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Forums » Smalltalk » Character Help/Critique

I have a new character, Khalina Ashralii. She's part of a species I made up entirely on my own. But the point of this thread is, I want your opinion. How can I make the character and the species better? My goal? To make her feature-worthy. Even if she doesn't get to be a featured character, I want her to be just that good.

So please check her over, and the info I've given about the species. Then comment here and let me know how I can improve her/the species. :)

Thank you!
Sanne Moderator

Well, to make a featured character, you'll need to upload an icon, have a tagline and so on and so forth. To have a featured character, it needs to meet these requirements.

I honestly think that if you make sure there's an icon and tagline (didn't see if you put a tagline or not) there's a pretty big chance your char will be featured. But I can't nomate her yet because she lacks an icon. :)
CelestinaGrey Topic Starter

Sanne wrote:
Well, to make a featured character, you'll need to upload an icon, have a tagline and so on and so forth. To have a featured character, it needs to meet these requirements.

Yes, I remember this ^-^ I just have to find something I can use as an icon for her. (Probably a picture of the moon). Did you see anything potentially wrong with her information, or the storyline/abilities of the species? I tried hard to make it so that they weren't overpowered by giving almost each ability a negative effect.

And thanks very much! :)

She now has a moon icon :)

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