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Forums » General Roleplay » Legends Are Reality (1x1 With AllTimeVeilBros)

Draiken Azvel Norvien (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

(XD what do we do we swim~~~~)

"Is there anything to do in this house besides be in your room?" He asked her. She knew the contents of her house better then he, so maybe there was something.
Rose Valoisi (played by AllTimeVeilBros)

"Well, uh... there is something that you might like..." she replied. Normally she wouldn't show anyone this room, but she figured she could trust Draik. She held out her hand for him to take, so she could lead him there.
Rose Valoisi (played by AllTimeVeilBros)

(Dying, once again XD)
Draiken Azvel Norvien (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

(XD die! DIE!)

Draik took her hand, and got up before following her to who knows where.
Rose Valoisi (played by AllTimeVeilBros)

(o.o I don wanna die XD)

She led him down the hall, and to a bright blue colored door. She hesitantly opened it and stepped inside. Paintings of landscapes, animals, and countless other things lined the walls, ceiling, and floor.
Draiken Azvel Norvien (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

(<.< ...true. *puts scythe away* you can live)

He looked up at the bright blue door, once he saw what was on the other side his eyes lit up. He was in awe."its like a museum.." he whispered quietly.
Rose Valoisi (played by AllTimeVeilBros)

(O.o yay!)

"It was my Mom's." She admitted, walking in and running her hand along one wall as she looked at the paintings.
Draiken Azvel Norvien (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

(:3 )

He looked around before looking around at her. His eyes wandered astray and looked at the paintings and artwork. "She was very talented" he said to Rose.
Rose Valoisi (played by AllTimeVeilBros)

Rose released his hand, walking around absentmindedly. "She truly was," she replied as her eyes skimmed the paintings. She hadn't been in here in a while.
Draiken Azvel Norvien (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Draik nodded as he looked over the paintings. He could draw good, but nowhere near as good as these were. He looked around at them, almost lost inm- them.
Rose Valoisi (played by AllTimeVeilBros)

"Mom used to spend hours in here, everyday," Rose told him, a small smile on her lips as she looked at a painting of a forest.
Draiken Azvel Norvien (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"The paintings do look like someone took a lot of dedication into them" he said softly looking at a different picture.
Rose Valoisi (played by AllTimeVeilBros)

"Yeah. They're really detailed," she replied, looking over at him. She normally wouldn't come in here because of the memories, but she wanted to see them again.
Draiken Azvel Norvien (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

"According to my uncle, my aunt before she..died.. Was fond of art to" he said, "I Guess just like your mom" he said.
Rose Valoisi (played by AllTimeVeilBros)

"That's great," Rose replied with a smile, looking over at him. She was nostalgic at the moment, quiet now as the memories clouded her thoughts.
Draiken Azvel Norvien (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Draik nodded with a faint smile. The room grew quiet once more, with no talk between the two. Draiks eyes were just gazing at pictures, and stuff.
Rose Valoisi (played by AllTimeVeilBros)

(Stuff cx)

Rose sat down, silent, crossing her legs as she thought about the paintings, the meanings, and the past. She zoned out as she scooted back and leaned on the doorframe.
Draiken Azvel Norvien (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

Draik looked at the artwork some more, then looked over at Rose. She appeared zoned out. Probably thinking of a lot of things. Draik after a moment walked over and sat beside her, or at least near her.
Rose Valoisi (played by AllTimeVeilBros)

Draik's actions brought Rose from her reverie, and she looked over at him. "Hi," she said simply, with a small smile.
Draiken Azvel Norvien (played by Rhythm) Topic Starter

He noticed he had somehow pulled her out of her zoned out moment, maybe it was just his movements. "Hi" he said to her in return to her words of greeting with a small smile.

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