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Forums » Art & Creativity » Free Coloring!

Hey guys, I just got a tablet a few months ago and I am just learning how to color and shade with it...but I've run out of artwork to practice with! I know a lot of you all are artists here so I was wondering if anybody had any artwork that needed lines, coloring or both? I won't be giving them away or anything, I just would love the practice. Of course I will share them with the owner when I am done if they'd like! Just don't expect it to be too fancy, I'm a super n00b at this XD

If you're interested please just reply here or shoot me a PM! ^_^

Oh! Well although I already paint I'd just like to see what my OCs would look like painted by others. I'll offer up Nelís as practice.

Would you like detail on him? I know drawing blind can be troublesome.
I have a few things you could practice on if you're interested.

These are a few characters that I drew up a while ago but never got around to coloring, I don't have a specific set of guidelines as far as color goes but I can tell you the nationality of each character if you'd like.

Just follow the link here.

Have fun!!!
Loki Topic Starter

Wow that was super speedy guys! SpilledInk, I can't draw or paint sadly XD I am just practicing coloring and shading on already drawn artwork :)

Virusghost, it would be awesome if you could tell me their nationalities and a little about them if you had something in mind personality wise ^_^ you can send it in a PM if you'd prefer!
Look up lineart. People always make thins for people to color I collr them all the time.
Check this out, it is so awesome! I love it :)

Ooh, I have some old lineart kickin' around on my dA, if any of it strikes your fancy~

I actually have a bunch of lineart sitting around in my devart folder if you wanna go through it and color them ^_^

Honestly, you can color them however you like... make them pink with rainbow hair if it so pleases you!!

I'd just like to see them when they're done, I like looking at people's color-jobs x3
heres some linearts i have colored Two of my favorite wolf char i made up thanks to Linearts


and my most prised wolf ever created from a lineart

When I get home from my trip I'll search through my folder for some line art for ya. C:
Sanne Moderator

I threw something together for Loki and sent it to her. I'll have no problem sharing it with anyone else but I don't want to post the link here in public. Feel free to pm me if you want them!

I also think everyone is awesome for sharing so freely. :)
I actually recently made lineart of one of my characters, Synthia. So, you can do whatever suits you with her. I have no way to transfer her to digital since I'm travelling and I left my tablet at home. ^^;

As for colors, her hair is white and she's pale skinned with blue eyes. She has a talent with light, so blues, silvers and golds are the colors a mostly imagine her wearing.

When you're done with her, if you do use her for practice, just PM it to me. :)

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