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Forums » Introductions » New with a creative mind.

Hello everyone, I have just recently moved here from FB. I wanted to move away from all the drama, and all the stress that most role players has put out on FB. Yes, I have migrated here from a close friend, and no I don't know what I am doing one single bit XD. I am new, ad I've started a forum in the Sci-fi section. Its a piece that I did last night, and its to show you what I am capable of doing. I can also multi chara role play, and do a short story role play when I feel like it. I do hope my abilities of very advanced role play wont scare anyone off. It would seem I can only do advanced action role play, family, calm, love, and any other role play is just not my style. Then again, I am trying to break out of my shell. Hope to role play with you all very soon, as always. Have nice day.
Kim Site Admin

Welcome to the site! We've seen each other around before, but I just wanted to say it officially.

Also, here is the link to the RP Specter mentioned starting, for anyone who is interested in checking it out:

What do you mean by "advanced" RP?
Specter159 Topic Starter

In my term of advanced RP is like almost novel based. And that is my role play I started last night. And thanks for the welcome.
Kim Site Admin

I think most people around here will recognize that more by the term "Paragraph RP" or even "Multi-paragraph RP" (sometimes just "para RP" for short). :)
Specter159 Topic Starter

Yea well I can't wait to role play with people here. This is a really good site.
cool the self gloating and more will be open dan, n maybe look for a RP you can cross with PM an owner of a scifi RP you wanna join or set up a game RP

that is acceptable right kim?
Kim Site Admin

Looking for RPs to join is always okay. No need to always play with the same people! :)
Welcome to RPR! Hope you find what you are looking for here :) We're a really friendly community so if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask :D

You are on: Forums » Introductions » New with a creative mind.

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