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Forums » Looking for RP » Rp with an anthromorphic Mako Shark? (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Mako (played by Warwick)

So yeah I just created a new character and id like to have a test run and take him on an adventure, anyone care to join me?
Big Bad Wolf (played anonymously)

Perhaps he'd like someone who lives a bit on the wild side of things?
Mako (played by Warwick) Topic Starter

Maybe he would lol
Big Bad Wolf (played anonymously)

What does he fear most I wonder?
Mako (played by Warwick) Topic Starter

... Sea World
Big Bad Wolf (played anonymously)

Not sure how I would work with that...
Pelagia (played anonymously)

I may be real interested depending on post length! I'm not a good story teller do conjuring up a plot is sort of difficult for me, but I can add to what I'm given in most cases.

There may be errors too, I'm on mobile.
Mako (played by Warwick) Topic Starter

as long as you do more than one liners its all good. im on mobile also so I can bear with it lol
Pelagia (played anonymously)

Oh no I meant like... I'm a bit of a butt because I tend to prefer multiple paragraphs (2+) because it gives me a lot to respond to and work with.

I don't really like one liners either hehe. uwu
Mako (played by Warwick) Topic Starter

Lol I try to do a minimum of one paragraph. O.o
He sounds pretty interesting, and I can manage a paragraph. :)
I'm hoping I'm not too late. I've been dying to RP with another anthro character for a while.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Rp with an anthromorphic Mako Shark? (closed)

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