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Forums » Looking for RP » 4 characters in need of rp. (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

:3 ..just seeking more rps~~

Aiden Hikari

Link To Profile
Plot Ideas

Idea #1: Strange rumors have been happening all around town. Its been happening for months. More people then usual have been sent to the mental hospitals/asylums. One day you decide to investigate, and take one boy who had been taken away out of his room, and take him in for questioning. When you find no useful answers, you give up, but what would you do if you ended up seeing the things all those 'insane' people saw?

Idea #2: Its another day, another walk in the woods, another careless day, until he stummle upon what appears to be an abandoned cabin, or something. You believe no bodies home, or even lives there seeing its miles from civilization, but slowly figure out somebody does live here..and they don't really appreciate visitors..

Idea #3: a new boy has started coming to school, and he's a rather odd one. He doesn't seem to want to talk to anyone, or rather be around anyone. He won't talk to teachers, or students, he gets tripped in the halls, and usually he seems to be as if he's off in his own little world. What would you do??

Final Idea, #4: It was a blissful night for you, until your dreams slowly turned dark. Your dream starts to appear more like a vision, then a dream. You see a quick glimpse of a boy, bxutdont quite get to see his face. Your in a odd place, a world that seems like enough to drive you insane. Luckily, your dreams ends, and you wake up, but as time progresses, your dream, turns into reality.

Aiko Kita and Wanderer

Link To Profile For Aiko
Link To Profile For Wanderer


Idea #1: Your school is on a field trip to a research lab, but not is how it seems. If you look close enough around you'll find out people are here. People crossed with animal DNA, and one boy, who seems so cute, seems the most miserable. What will you do?

Idea #2: Your at an auction for slaves/apprentices/butlers/maids, and more. One by one people are sold off, and then, a boy is shoved into the stage, he seems to have cat ears, and a cat tail. The auctioner starts off at $200. Who will place the winning bid, and take this young, 16 year old neko home?

Idea #3:(age rewind) on the streets you see a young teen, by appearance he doesn't seem to have a home, and based off all the cuts on his body, it seems the townspeople aren't very find of him either. What would you do? Leave him for death, or give him a life to live.


Link to profile
..I want to use him but I have little ideas, um.

Idea #1: You find a young boy on the streets, getting harassed by people older then him. Teenagers. Three boys tease this young child, yanking his fox ears, calling him awful names, and making rude comments. Will you help him?

Idea #2:Slave/apprentice auction

^^; I just randomly came up with these plots. If you have any, you can suggest.

-if you want to rp with any of these four characters, comment the character, and which plot ides (:3 or one if your own plots.)

NOTE. These are only rough drafts of plots...the real plot is way more detailed..if you want more info on each plot, ask.
I'm willing to rp with the first three, whichever is preferable! Their plots seem interesting to me.
I'm able to use a younger Sute for these rps, or create an OC better to fit?

Sorry if this is off topic, but I swear I was expecting a "Six Characters in Search of an Author" reference here.
Rhythm Topic Starter

HwoThumb wrote:
Sorry if this is off topic, but I swear I was expecting a "Six Characters in Search of an Author" reference here.

I know that play! I had to read it for class. Sorry, couldn't help but chime in for that :)
Isobel (played anonymously)

I'd be willing to RP with Aiko. Since Isobel was also experimented on in a lab, we could do one where she first comes into the lab and meets Aiko
I'd like to RP with Aiden with plot number 2. Sounds like we can make it fun :)

I'd be playing Crystie. Here's the link to her!

Let me know!
First plot for three sounds fun

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