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Forums » Looking for RP » Scouting for Members (Modern Fantasy Gro (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Anson Hainswith (played anonymously)

Evening, folks.

Name's Anson Hainswith. And I'd like to introduce you to a little town of mine.

(Well, if we're going to be technically speaking, my town fell under...unfortunate circumstances sometime back in the fifties. Eighteen-fifties - but th' place was soon rebuilt, bigger and better than ever before. Hiccups happen. Nothin' to get concerned about.)

The lights called me to this place, so I knew there had to be somethin' special about it. And now, in the twenty-first century, I can finally see what my calling meant.

See. A lotta' you folks have problems. Blood-drinking problems. Hairier, scarier ones. Problems of th'...purgatorially-challenged. Perhaps some of you trade your human forms for somethin' with a bit more bite. Or perhaps some fiend has hitched a ride and you can't seem to shake 'em.

I propose somewhere for you folks live with these conditions and learn to deal with them th' best you know how. Perhaps find a friend or a selfless soul or two to help.

It's a human city, so I'd caution against unwise mistakes. It's middle of th' heartland, not too many prying eyes about. It isn't a sanctuary or preserve, of course, I ain't a zookeeper, folks need to be dealt with far more respect than that. But it's somethin'.


(Click through to the group)

All of you are welcome to stop by. Take a look around, see if th' place is to your liking. Come and go as you please.

Just stay out of th' mine shafts. My successors haven't been too good at cleaning those up. I can't stress the severity of this enough: Do not. Go near. The mines.

Now, you're probably thinking - Hainswith? Eighteen-fifties? How are you able to address all of us in this way? Th' whole premise of this preamble, as some of you will say, seems "kinda' sketchy."

Well, ladies, gentlemen and variations there-upon - being dead has its advantages.

(Shadywood is a modern fantasy forum RP group. We're looking to populate it with all sorts of humans and stranger beings - as well as staff, world-builders and other creative behind-the-scenes types!)
Ysmay (played anonymously)

Very excited for this rp! Everyone here is full of great ideas and I think we're going to all have a ton of fun, I can't wait to start playing Ysmay!
Mich (played by WhiteWolf)

Can Mich be the bartender in this town? He is a hired creature hunter, if he picks the jobs.
Cayce (played anonymously)

Mich wrote:
Can Mich be the bartender in this town? He is a hired creature hunter, if he picks the jobs.

You're wasting no time! Awesome! :D If you can find a way to make him fit the setting, do it, and apply through the group!
Mm, I will be looking at this, at least~
Cayce (played anonymously)

Novalyyn wrote:
Mm, I will be looking at this, at least~

Hope it doesn't disappoint. :)
Arinbjorn (played by JayBird)

How is the market of antiques?
Cayce (played anonymously)

Arthur Step wrote:
How is the market of antiques?

Very good! There's a collecting market - as well as plenty of old things to go around. :)
What kind of vampir and other myhthies are we speaking of? classic kind or something else?
Cayce (played anonymously)

katparker wrote:
What kind of vampir and other myhthies are we speaking of? classic kind or something else?

Classic kinds, completely and totally bizarre kinds. Any kinds. We've already got a fire elemental-type woman working as a glassblower, and there's a list of weird creatures unique to the area on the page! (Under "The City" -> "Local Fauna")

I'd personally like to suggest the less Hollywood, the better - but that's more encouragement to get people thinking about variety than any real rule, and sometimes a good old fashioned vampire or werewolf works wonders. Feel free to go nuts! Basically, as long as supernatural secrecy is kept in the character's mind and the character tries to act on that, you can make anything work. Just no gods or all-powerful and unbeatable beings, please.

Shoot me a PM if you're not sure about any ideas, too. I'll help out as best as I can!
ok i sent a pm =D this sounds awesome
Cayce (played anonymously)

Excellent! (And responded! :P )

I've also switched the settings up so it's not exclusively characters that could join. I didn't realize that was how it was set up in the first place. I'm sorry!
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

Got room for a shadow-walker?
I was actually looking at your group and wanting to sign up xD
Cayce (played anonymously)

Archer wrote:
Got room for a shadow-walker?

Absolutely. I'd actually like it if you were to PM me and elaborate on the fellow a bit! (But only if you like).

It's nothing bad at all - it's actually great - but there's something about those shadows and Shadywood's own beasties that I'd like to talk about, if you're still interested!

Drax wrote:
I was actually looking at your group and wanting to sign up xD

Do it! Even if you don't have anyone ready yet, or just feel like looking around, I changed it up so you can join as yourself as well as any character.

(At least, I hope I did. Nobody's tested it, yet. Kick me if it doesn't work. Nicely.)
Cayce (played anonymously)

Bringing this to attention once more! All skill levels, all sorts! Look around! Show us your monsters!

Do the Bumpty Bump, just watch me do the Bumpty Bump.
*directs attention back to this* MOAR PEOPULZZZZ!
Would a changeling be allowed by any chance?
First thought would be yes, but specifics are always important. Looking through the group information, do you feel like it'd fit?
I feel it would fit but not entirely sure though, I'll pm Anson to get some more specifics.

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