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Forums » Looking for RP » Join My New Group! Dark fantasy, mature (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Chase Rayzya (played by ChasingRazors)

I'm looking for people to join my group. A Mature, and Bleak, Dark fantasy based World for Role-play.
Here's the link with details inside:

Thanks. ~Chase~
Are anthro characters allowed? Cause I'd really like to find an RP to use Eshe in.

...There's no porn allowed, right?
Chase Rayzya (played by ChasingRazors) Topic Starter

Yes! in fact, the majority of it revolves around an anthro world. And there is no requirement of sexual RP, but I have no qualms if you do so. welcome!
Chase Rayzya (played by ChasingRazors) Topic Starter

However, The Group is very maturely themed. i.e. People being dismembered and eaten alive, F-bombs when necessary, and in some cases, Sexual RP/Rape. basically any messed up thing you can think of could happen at any time.
That's okay. I can take some blood and violence. It's mostly the sexual/fetish themes I'm worried about. Anyway, joining. :)
Eshe Tawar (played by MugoUrth)

So when does the group officially open? Still looking for more members? It looks like the forums are empty except a suggestion box.
Chase Rayzya (played by ChasingRazors) Topic Starter

Opening a forum today!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Join My New Group! Dark fantasy, mature (closed)

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