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Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Bug report: Login not going through.

Sanne Moderator

Solved it by clearing my cache/cookies/etc. I appeared logged out. I logged in (whether remember me was checked or not, didn't matter), then clicked on Forums. I was logged out again.

Repeated it a few times but it just didn't 'lock' on to my logging in. Clearing cookies fixed it. Maybe it's because I log in from two different computers frequently?
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Had a similar issue when trying to change a character template today. When I clicked "use template x for x", it simply redirected me to my dashboard. No change of template, no message, nothing.

Logged out, cleared cache/cookies, all fixed...
Kim Site Admin

Weird. I'll see what I can find out. Go go gadget debugger!

I get these sent to me faster when you use a support request, by the by. :)
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Oh right! I'll have to send those in the future, but I like posting forum topics so that other people can share if they experience it too. :P Sometimes folks don't even realize something is off, so I always find it useful.

But I'll send them out through email form from now on~
Kim Site Admin

You can certainly put them here, there might just be more lag time between report and response/solution. If you find something really critical, it's probably best it get fast tracked. :)

Getting sent back to your dashboard while trying to pick a template is usually a symptom of trying to assign a template to a character that doesn't belong to you, and if logging in isn't "sticking" it may be having trouble confirming your ownership. That's my current theory, anyway.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

It does sound like it. Might this have something to do with the cookies/new login system? I didn't have these issues until those were implemented, but I've no idea on which level it was done. I get the feeling my cookies go bad before they should go stale. :(

You are on: Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Bug report: Login not going through.

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