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Forums » Help » Moving Widgets

Is it just me, or are we unable to move widgets from one page to another anymore? I tried to do it so I could move a journal from one page to another, but either I'm doing it wrong or we just can't do it anymore because the pages in the editors are now links instead of links/tabs. I guess.

Some clarification would be nice, please. If I can't move widgets around pages anymore and have to re-add them all together on the page I want them on, that's fine. I'm more curious than anything else about this.
Kim Site Admin

This is still intended to be available by dragging a widget over the desired page name. I just tested and it's functioning for me in Chrome, Firefox and IE, although it was graphically funky in IE and should probably be cleaned up. I had to reload to see the change after dragging in IE.
Darth_Angelus Moderator

I just checked and it's fine for me too.
Copper_Dragon Topic Starter

Hrm... I'll try again then. Maybe I just wasn't positioning stuff right.


I dragged but didn't drop-- I guess I was expecting it to mysteriously vanish into the other page by just holding it over the link. XD Nevermind, issue solved due to humorous human hilarity!
Kim Site Admin

Haha! Glad to hear it's working now, however it happened. :D

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