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Forums » Forum Games » say one word to describe the person above

Prince Alessander (played by Furious_Styles)

Aless gripped the hilt of his sword while running a hand through his locs, his face mismatched with stern eyes and a faint smile.

"Hmm," he began. "You look. . .tempting," he said, abruptly planting his hands on his hips before executing an about face and swaggering away.
Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

"Wise' is how I describe you"
"Relatable seems like the word I would use. Though I doubt many others can say that."
Determined, yours is a noble though grievous penance. I hope you find justice and that you find a way to quell the temptations lended by your affliction.
"Your august presence commands respect and admiration." she remarked in a quiet assured tone.
Ko Vega (played by Furious_Styles)

"Only one word? Well that's tough luck, but definitely a fun game." Vega smoothed his lips together, his sultry eyes focused on Lady Alyria's brilliantly violet eyes.

"Sensational," he smiled.
Eric Molder (played by SillySpider)

"Hm." Unfortunately Ariel had no sight but she was able to see the different shades of colour of his eyes that were beautifully vibrant. With a heart-warming smile, she proceeded to say, "Polychromatic."
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Friendly!" He smiled at her as he set his kitten down, which simply climbed up his pantleg and shirt "Piano! Stop!"
Burt threw a look at the saiyan and snapped his fingers. "I have it! Layered. Because, y'know. Onions have layers?" He then slammed hus fist on the table snd called out: "Barkeep! Another beer for me and one for Onion here!" He did not seem tovget that his name was NOT Onion, or maybe it was just the wolverine's way of being friendly.

"So Onion, hiw's life been treating ya? Me, I just got dumped by another failed date! Why alk the pretty girls are taken, plat for the other teamnor just won't date me?" And off he went on a sad!drunk tangent about his (laughable) love life...
Burt the wolverine wrote:
Burt threw a look at the saiyan and snapped his fingers. "I have it! Layered. Because, y'know. Onions have layers?" He then slammed hus fist on the table snd called out: "Barkeep! Another beer for me and one for Onion here!" He did not seem tovget that his name was NOT Onion, or maybe it was just the wolverine's way of being friendly.

"So Onion, hiw's life been treating ya? Me, I just got dumped by another failed date! Why alk the pretty girls are taken, plat for the other teamnor just won't date me?" And off he went on a sad!drunk tangent about his (laughable) love life...

Cynthia Dae (played anonymously)

“Uhm, ‘Faemous’?”
Casey Marks (played anonymously)

Casey checked out the cute Asian girl and heard her laugh at something someone said... "squeaky" would be the one word.
"'Photogenic' is how I'd describe you."
“ I think… Sharp would fit,” they said, chuckling nervously at isa’s sharp teeth.
Dana Wyne (played by Dawnia)


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