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Forums » Forum Games » say one word to describe the person above

((Constance will take the headcanon tho lol. Thanks! I replied for both to make it alittle fair ~))
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Theresa Knox (played anonymously)

"Tough" was the word that came to her when she saw Claude.
Mono (played by Botol_O_Wata)

"Normal." Well, normal compared to him, at least, going by what he called "Human standards". Judging from all the strange people he'd seen since landing, perhaps she's the most humanoid one yet.
Turuilla E Collins. (played anonymously)

"Curious, I suppose."
Alan Wake (played by Atheist)

"Animated," he said with an air of confidence. "It covers a lot of ground here so yeah, definitely animated."
"In a word, creative; as a writer should be. Now I'm curious about your work. I love a good book."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Let's get this over with. Mischievous or something longer, up to no good. It suits you anyways."
Dante (played by FictionDragonborn)

You're really Impressive.
Zofia Emerald (played by Alliyus)

Scary. T^T
Morlag (played by Vozhad)

Beauty in steel
Rebecca Kennedy (played anonymously)

A hunk of metal.
Belmont the Philippine Eagle (played anonymously)

The Philippine Eagle sat there perched on Catalina's (Its owner) left hand, and glanced at the person with blue-grey eyes that saw 8 times clearer than human eyes. It blinked. It was one of the rarest and strongest bird of prey in the world.

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