This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Hey I'm planning a Transformers RP, in addition to The Paladin's Court, which still needs more work and brainstorming, I may even make a group based around it.
Anyways So far what I have planned in my head is that the RP picks up where the Series left off, only on Earth rather than on Cybertron. The Decepticons have been "revived" by Starscream, who managed to survive his encounter with the Predacons and gathered a group of Decepticon Loyalists. A few Autobots arrive on Earth a bit late, being un-aware of the eventso f the War, and a few who are aware of Cybertron's revival choose to stay on Earth.
This is where you guys come in, taking the roles of said Autobots and Decepticons and continuing the battle. Now Canon characters are welcome, but only if they haven't appeared on the show, or have a reason to be on Earth, and if they did appear in show please keep them in character, for example if Soundwave ever appeared he wouldn't follow Starscream, and would rather return to starscream to continue serving Megatron. I'd also allow insecticons Predacons/Maximals as playable characters as well.
So yeah I'm open to plot ideas.
Anyways So far what I have planned in my head is that the RP picks up where the Series left off, only on Earth rather than on Cybertron. The Decepticons have been "revived" by Starscream, who managed to survive his encounter with the Predacons and gathered a group of Decepticon Loyalists. A few Autobots arrive on Earth a bit late, being un-aware of the eventso f the War, and a few who are aware of Cybertron's revival choose to stay on Earth.
This is where you guys come in, taking the roles of said Autobots and Decepticons and continuing the battle. Now Canon characters are welcome, but only if they haven't appeared on the show, or have a reason to be on Earth, and if they did appear in show please keep them in character, for example if Soundwave ever appeared he wouldn't follow Starscream, and would rather return to starscream to continue serving Megatron. I'd also allow insecticons Predacons/Maximals as playable characters as well.
So yeah I'm open to plot ideas.
I absolutely mean no offense but wouldn't having the Decepticons return make the story a bit repetitive? I can't remember her name but that one spider bot became infected with a plague created by Silas and Knockout. At the end, she infects her insecticons. Why not have her make a return and start a zombie apocalypse on Cybertron?
How would she get there though? If I'm right she wound up one of the moons near Cybertron. Not Cybertron itself.
I have three characters I'd like to add; human characters are also allowed, correct?
Sounds like you have a good idea already of where to take this, but I've rarely done large group RP's, I think the largest I've done is three or four people at a time. I'm actually very interested to do this, but the only other Transformers RPers I know of aren't members of RPR
Sounds like you have a good idea already of where to take this, but I've rarely done large group RP's, I think the largest I've done is three or four people at a time. I'm actually very interested to do this, but the only other Transformers RPers I know of aren't members of RPR
If the RP takes place on Earth than yeah totally. But yeah I don't think I'd really wanna do a Zombie appocalypse rp though
atleast not with Transformers. Think you'd be able to give any suggestions to change up the format?

As zombies are a huge phobia of mine, I wouldn't be able to do a zombie RP either, even if they are robots. Actually, its the apocalypse theme itself, but I suppose if Arachnid managed to find her way back to Earth with the intent of taking it over or using it somehow to get to Cybertron and the remaining/returning Cybertronians had to figure out how to deal with her and keep her from getting to Cybertron, that could be interesting.
But thats just one suggestion.
But thats just one suggestion.
Actually I've been getting a few ideas over the course of the day.
The idea of Airachnid being dealt with on Cybertron is a good Idea I feel, as well as the rising presence of Predacons(I highly doubt Shockwave would just up and stop his experiments because the war ended. He IS a scientist after all) And with the rising number of predacons I don't see a reason a few couldn't split off and form the Maximals(Beast Wars References FTW!) which could lead to some interesting revamps for some characters, as well as the bringing back of the Dinobots. So all of this could be going down on Cybertron.
While over on Earth, the few newly arrived/remaining Autobots could be dealing with Starscream bringing back the Decepticons, as well as dealing with the remnants of MECH(I don't remember how MECH was dealt with in the show but I wouldn't be surprised if they resurfaced) who have continued producing "Cybertronians" after the series ended.
What do you guys think?
The idea of Airachnid being dealt with on Cybertron is a good Idea I feel, as well as the rising presence of Predacons(I highly doubt Shockwave would just up and stop his experiments because the war ended. He IS a scientist after all) And with the rising number of predacons I don't see a reason a few couldn't split off and form the Maximals(Beast Wars References FTW!) which could lead to some interesting revamps for some characters, as well as the bringing back of the Dinobots. So all of this could be going down on Cybertron.
While over on Earth, the few newly arrived/remaining Autobots could be dealing with Starscream bringing back the Decepticons, as well as dealing with the remnants of MECH(I don't remember how MECH was dealt with in the show but I wouldn't be surprised if they resurfaced) who have continued producing "Cybertronians" after the series ended.
What do you guys think?
I have to admit, the mention of MECH did get my ears to perk. I wasn't happy how they just sort of elevator shafted MECH, they always fascinated me. Considering Ratchet was left on Earth with a space bridge now set up in the base, I hardly imagine MECH would have just given up and gone away.
If I remember right, we were meant to assume Silas killed all the MECH agents after they fused him with Breakdowns body. However if we could assume a few survived or simply weren't present for the incident and restarted the program, or since it all happened offscreen, we could assume something else entirely happened and MECH is still running full steam, with or without Silas.
If I remember right, we were meant to assume Silas killed all the MECH agents after they fused him with Breakdowns body. However if we could assume a few survived or simply weren't present for the incident and restarted the program, or since it all happened offscreen, we could assume something else entirely happened and MECH is still running full steam, with or without Silas.
To my knowledge the the only MECH agents that were killed were the ones that stuck Sillas in Breakdown's body. But yeah I'd need some people to help take over for the human cast though
I imagine with the only Autobot on Earth being Ratchet, that the 'Cons and MECH are aware of, they'd attempt to take some payback on the human characters and such. And that would prolly be when the Transformer Characters showed up.

I can also see MECH being fairly interested in the Space Bridge itself once they learn about it. I know there is a very large transformers RP community on tumblr that includes many humans but sadly I haven't been successful in getting anyone to come over here. And I have tried. Forum settings are so much easier and more organized for me to keep up with Role plays.
Which is horrible because I can think of several off the top of my head who would probably jump on this concept.
Which is horrible because I can think of several off the top of my head who would probably jump on this concept.
Well that sucks
But yeah I imagine they would be interested in Space Bridge Tech. And I totally agree with forum Rping being easier

Can't quite figure out why my friends wont join over. We all came from Gaia and the RP forums there were pretty similar to this site and we were all very active.
Well anyway. I can see MECH possibly wanting to use the space bridge to get to Cybertron, possibly doing scouting missions until they essentially find a graveyard to scavenge at first. Then becoming much more of a problem as they figure out the weaponry they get from these missions.
There is a huge area where human characters can come into play, and I think one thing keeping some players from joining transformers RP's is that they probably don't realize this and think all characters have to be Cybertronians to properly participate, and some might not feel comfortable or knowledgeable to do so. (which is kinda why my two Cybertronians are still on earth
Well anyway. I can see MECH possibly wanting to use the space bridge to get to Cybertron, possibly doing scouting missions until they essentially find a graveyard to scavenge at first. Then becoming much more of a problem as they figure out the weaponry they get from these missions.
There is a huge area where human characters can come into play, and I think one thing keeping some players from joining transformers RP's is that they probably don't realize this and think all characters have to be Cybertronians to properly participate, and some might not feel comfortable or knowledgeable to do so. (which is kinda why my two Cybertronians are still on earth

I actually figured they would only take interest in the space bridge tech for purposes on Earth, after all if they're wanting to put in place a new world order being able to hop into a door to anywhere else on the planet would be pretty attractive. IDK if MECH ever found out about Cybertron or not. Though I do like the idea of them discovering more about cybertronians :U
It would make sense though, I think. They seemed very interested in using Cybertronian technology, enough so to duplicate Optimus Prime. To me, at any rate, it would make sense that they would want to have Cybertronian technology, specifically weaponry in order to achieve that new world order, as that's what I thought their whole purpose in the show was in the first place.
They probably don't know the name Cybertron, but I was pretty sure they did know the bots were from another planet? I could be wrong of course.
They probably don't know the name Cybertron, but I was pretty sure they did know the bots were from another planet? I could be wrong of course.

Possibly. Very possibly.
And hey, I was able to get one of the other players in here. YAY. -gently guides him to this thread-
And hey, I was able to get one of the other players in here. YAY. -gently guides him to this thread-
Yeah C: So do you think this should be a group? Given how I've thought out the RP it might be easier to do as a group than just a single RP.
I'm not sure what you mean. Like I said before, I'm really new to RPR still. Do you mean as in where we do the RP (in a group vs pms or public forums) Or as a large group of players vs 1x1
If the latter then definitely as multiple players. If the former then I really don't know. One person I'm trying to persuade to come from Tumblr is afraid of joining because she's too anxious for a public forum so I'm trying to convince her a closed group would be made mostly of people she'd normally talk to anyway on tumblr. regardless, for her at least I wont be able to sway her, but I suppose a private group would work.
Of course I probably completely missed the question so...
If the latter then definitely as multiple players. If the former then I really don't know. One person I'm trying to persuade to come from Tumblr is afraid of joining because she's too anxious for a public forum so I'm trying to convince her a closed group would be made mostly of people she'd normally talk to anyway on tumblr. regardless, for her at least I wont be able to sway her, but I suppose a private group would work.
Of course I probably completely missed the question so...
By group I meant create a group like this one: only with the focus being transformers. It would most likely be closed and I'd invite people to join.
Yeah, in that case I think that would be a good idea. More organized so you can have separate threads and areas for Earth and Cybertron and specific places if needed.
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