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Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for a band of fighters to bond/f (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Arthial (played by SkyePath)

Arthial is an elven mage looking for a band of fighters to take part in many adventures with! In a world full of mythical creatures, they will battle, despair, love, laugh and form a bond of frienship. Looking for about 4 people of all races, species, and classes. One potential love interest, male, wanted too!
Arthial (played by SkyePath) Topic Starter

Arthial (played by SkyePath) Topic Starter

((I'll set a starter for this thing.))

The obnoxious music, paired with the raucous tavern goers, gave me quite an impressive headache. The boisterous activities, including, but definitely not limited to: yelling, smashing, fighting, breaking, and, well, you get the point. Let’s not forget to mention the thick smoke from the lanterns and the stench of a farmer’s long day at work that seemed to curl its way into every nook and cranny in this despicable tavern.
I shook my head, surveying the crowded room over the edge of my drink. My light hair fell in long sheets over a single side of my face, the other safely pinned back by the silver circlet inlaid with a single blood ruby that sat across my brow, marking me as a Mage. I normally enjoy taverns of this calibur, and would often join in the singing and cheering, but not tonight, tonight I was recruiting people worthy enough to join me on an adventure to destroy the black dragon Iberras.
“Barbarians.” I muttered into my drink as I witnessed one man smash his mug over another man’s head, exclaiming some absurd comment that I will choose not to repeat.
You arne't supposed to do the role play here XD You ask for people to join your rp or get help on it. Whe nyou're rp'ing you post it in the forum it goes in. Judging by your posts I'd assume it's a fantasy. I'd love to join but currently don't have any fighter themed Fantasy characters :/
Arthial (played by SkyePath) Topic Starter

Oh dear god that's embarrassing. Thanks for being nice about it though! I'm still super confused by this site to be honest!
It's cool, I know how you feel, navigating new sites can be a confusing ordeal some times.

If you don't mind a fairy tale oriented character for your RP I have a character called Kara I could use, she's definitely not a fighter but she could provide some interesting RP's what with her head being removable.

And if you're squeemish to gore and such no worries, I don't see much reason to go into detail with the blood and gore and such.
Erato (played anonymously)

If the group is in need of a healer, might Erato be suitable? Do pardon the bare bones of her site, she is new.
Arthial (played by SkyePath) Topic Starter

Sketch444 wrote:
It's cool, I know how you feel, navigating new sites can be a confusing ordeal some times.

If you don't mind a fairy tale oriented character for your RP I have a character called Kara I could use, she's definitely not a fighter but she could provide some interesting RP's what with her head being removable.

And if you're squeemish to gore and such no worries, I don't see much reason to go into detail with the blood and gore and such.

Honestly, I'm very intrigued by your character. She seems like, super rad. I'm not squeamish though! I look forward to it!
Arthial (played by SkyePath) Topic Starter

Erato wrote:
If the group is in need of a healer, might Erato be suitable? Do pardon the bare bones of her site, she is new.

A healer would be great!! It's alright, I don't really have the much of one for my character at the moment either.
Erato (played anonymously)

Arthial wrote:
Erato wrote:
If the group is in need of a healer, might Erato be suitable? Do pardon the bare bones of her site, she is new.

A healer would be great!! It's alright, I don't really have the much of one for my character at the moment either.

:) Are you looking for 1 x 1 RP, or a Group thread? I am not fussy as to which.
Arthial (played by SkyePath) Topic Starter

Erato wrote:
Arthial wrote:
Erato wrote:
If the group is in need of a healer, might Erato be suitable? Do pardon the bare bones of her site, she is new.

A healer would be great!! It's alright, I don't really have the much of one for my character at the moment either.

:) Are you looking for 1 x 1 RP, or a Group thread? I am not fussy as to which.

It's a group for now! If you want to join in, go <-- there!
Eshe Tawar (played by MugoUrth)

I hope I'm not too late, because I've really been looking for an RP to use Eshe in lately. How strict is the race options we are allowed to have. I'm willing to play just about anything EXCEPT a human or anything remotely resembling one. Playing as a creature I'm already in real life kinda takes the fun a way from RPing. If I absolutely have to play as a human or an elf/dwarf/gnome/hobbit/vampire/etc. then I'll try elsewhere for an RP. ...But if you're not that strict, Eshe Tawar's a strong tank mage who has a lot of summoning and defensive spells.
Arthial (played by SkyePath) Topic Starter

Eshe Tawar wrote:
I hope I'm not too late, because I've really been looking for an RP to use Eshe in lately. How strict is the race options we are allowed to have. I'm willing to play just about anything EXCEPT a human or anything remotely resembling one. Playing as a creature I'm already in real life kinda takes the fun a way from RPing. If I absolutely have to play as a human or an elf/dwarf/gnome/hobbit/vampire/etc. then I'll try elsewhere for an RP. ...But if you're not that strict, Eshe Tawar's a strong tank mage who has a lot of summoning and defensive spells.

Ahhh I'm sorry, I prefer to have Humanoids in this, sorry. But, your character seems like one I would love to RP with later!
Kiru (played by House913)

I hope I'm not late. This is my fighter, if you need a knight/fighter.
Eshe Tawar (played by MugoUrth)

Then if I have to play as a humanoid, I'm afraid I have no interest. Alternatively, you said maybe you wouldn't mind RPing with me later? Do you want to work something out?

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for a band of fighters to bond/f (closed)

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