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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Ornell's Finest (Recruiting)

Icarus Fenrir (played by Doc)

He blinks twice and calmly says, "I got a sword that can use all kinda of magic, including healin'. And I will not let that dragon live. So, can I join?" Icarus smiles at Arthial like a kid who's waiting to get his birthday gift.
Arthial (played by SkyePath) Topic Starter

I stared for a second. "If you can heal, then sure. We need a good healer. What's your name?" He looked to hopeful. He looked too happy. I was definantly not used to that kind of happiness.
Icarus Fenrir (played by Doc)

Icarus began sitting up, still sitting where drinks should go. He held out his hand to Arthial. "My name's Icarus! Icarus Fenrir! I'm also called a lot of other things." Icarus smiled happily and remembered something. " Oh, and if you happen to meet a guy named Apollo Fenrir who can turn into a wolf, lemme know!"
Athena (played by Harvest)

Athena cursed, continuing to scrub the ale out of her clothes. So far, this wasn't a good first impression.
Arthial (played by SkyePath) Topic Starter

I opened my mouth to say something but, thinking twice, closed it again. My hand grasped his and shook. "I- of course." He looks like the type I would normally take home if this had been another night. I pulled my hand back. "I am called Arthial. And, once we find maybe 1 other person, we can begin. Now, we don't have to find them here, mind you, because I think I'm done with this place."
Kara (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"We can come too right?"Begad asked, with Kara's head still in his hands. "Begad can you put my head back on? We're not in Ferheil anymore and if someone sees me do this they might think I'm a witch or something.."Kara said.
Arthial (played by SkyePath) Topic Starter

"Of course." I said, grinning at them all. "The more the merrier, right?" I stood carefully, trying to avoid spilling anything else onto Athena. "You can ind me outside the tavern in the morning." I had a room here at the tavern I was staying on for the night, and I began to make my way to the stairs that lead to my room.
Jade (played by caramelkitkat)

Jade had been walking through the forest for quite a while now, she came to a stop at a rather large building, and after a closer inspection she found it was actually a tavern.
Pulling her cap tighter over her head, she made her way inside to see people laughing together.
Ooohhhh so it was one of thosetaverns...

After overhearing some conversation about hunting down a dragon, Jade became interested, and decided to wait til morning to ask to join the group like the elf-woman had stated.

Jade backed out of the tavern and out into the warm dusk,
Because the air was quite warm, she hid behind a tree before there was a flash of black sparks, a cat now being in the place where she once stood.

Jade yawned and climbed up into the tree, settling into the branches.
Kara (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Hey I think you have a room here too right?"Begad asked. "Begad, put me back on my body. Now."She demended. The cat spirit sighed, replacing Lara's head where it was supposed to be. "Well, I'm out. Talk to ya tomorrow."Begad said, heading outside. Kara waved. "Uh... sorry about the drink. Cat Spirits aren't known for being subtle."Kara said to Athena
Athena (played by Harvest)

"Well now I smell like alcohol and I haven't any drunken any yet." Athena said, amused. "I normally don't smell this bad till I stop remembering."
Kara (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Yeah... Um... I hope Begad didn't disturb you with his "display" of my abilities. I know alot of people really think it's... er... not pleasant to look at..."Kara said. She really wish she and Athea had met under different circumstances. While yes, Begad was a very close friend to her, he was just well, odd and could at times be a bit insensitive.
Icarus Fenrir (played by Doc)

Icarus, who was now a bit bummed since Arthial didn't shake hands with him, got up and walked over to the front door to leave. Just as he was about to exit, a crazed drunkard slammed into him, sending him flying outside and face first into a tree. Thankfully, he wasn't all that hurt.

"Ow! For the love of... Who does that?" He said as he got up and tried to fan his now stinging face. "It's like they don't even care! Alcohol is something I can never love!" But, on the bright side, he was now a bit closer to where he was staying. Icarus knew its best to just head to bed anyway. He did one last look around to make sure no more crazed drunkards would throw him, slam him, crush him, or smash him as he went on his way.
Arthial (played by SkyePath) Topic Starter

((I'm gonna fast forward a bit to the morning.))

I stood against the wall right outside the tavern as I watched the bustling of the town as people went about their daily routine. The air stunk, but I guess one couldn't complain seeing as this WAS a poverty ridden area. The town is small, with only the basic shops that was in nearly every town. A sigh escaped my lips as I fiddled with the small amulet around my neck. Hopefully these people showed up, and them saying they wanted to join was not just drunken promises.
Jade (played by caramelkitkat)

Jade yawned, stretching out her front limbs, her ears flicked up and she noticed the woman with elf like ears stood outside the tavern, just like she had said in the bar. And after closer inspection, jade found that it was not a woman...but in fact a man.
Huh. Oops.
She slipped down the tree and fell onto the ground with a thud. Most cats land in their feet, Jade was still practicing seeing as she didn't use her cat form that often. Little did she realise that she had burdock seeds stuck in her fur, and only realised when she had transformed back to her humanised form.

As she made her way over to the elf....person....thing.... Jade was busy pulling burdock seeds out her hair, she must have looked a right sight! and reminded herself later to take her hat off in a secluded place so she could remove the others on the too of her head.

Damn burdock seeds. Damn them all.

" hi! I hope you don't mind, in I heard you going on about a quest? About finding a dragon? Can I come? " she grinned sheepishly
Athena (played by Harvest)

Athena did indeed show up. As she walked towards him, it was obvious that something was different. Instead of ice covering her, shards and pieces of rock, with cracks that glowed a molten orange, made up the ride side of her body. Even her eye was a glowing orange. "So, haven't chickened out on us yet?" She mused.
Kara (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Kara groggily stumbled out of the Tavern with a yawn. Begad was asleep, curled around her neck. "Morning"She said.
Icarus Fenrir (played by Doc)

Icarus came along, singing a peculiar aria of bliss. He was carrying a rabbit in his arms, smiling like a fool. It's as if he were in heaven. "♪~Mornin everyone!~♪" He looked over at Athena, who he remembers he spilled ale all over the previous night. "I'm sorry about last night... I didn't mean to make you 80% alcohol."

Icarus looked at everyone else and had realized something. "Oh! Hey, we didn't go through proper introductions, huh? I'm Icarus, and this little rabbit here is Hermes!" He held out the rabbit for all to see. There was nothing special about this rabbit though. It was just some light brown rabbit he picked up sometime this morning.
Jade (played by caramelkitkat)

Jade shot a look at the rabbit, she hadn't eaten in days and was contemplating eating it.
She nearly slapped herself. What?! Way to blow cover, transforming into a cat and killing the rabbit is NOT. The best idea.
She shot the rabbit a look, a small hiss escaping her mouth, this otherwise meaning ' I shall get you later '
After than realising what she had done, she brought her hand up to her mouth.
" um...I have weird sneezes? " she grinned, mentally facepalming.
Kara (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

" I'm Kara, and this is Begad."Kara introduced, indicating the brightly colore dcat that was resting on her shoulders and around her neck.
Icarus Fenrir (played by Doc)

Icarus glared at Jade with a look that said "You dare hurt this rabbit and I'll make you suffer more than that dragon can."
Icarus looked over at Kara and Begad. "Nice to meet you!" He said, smiling. He then looked over at the most interesting two. The white locked elven man and the woman with some weird rock formations.

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