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Forums » General Roleplay » 2116, Woman VS Man.

Allison Kline (played by Victoriantruth)

The year 2116. Feminists have taken over, women who blame men for everything that went wrong and punish them by taking any rights they ever had to fight for. Like equal pay, gender equality and the right to vote.
thousand of families hid underground, thousands of men and their families are locked up for fighting back. But men wouldn't be men if they didn't had a back up plan.

The PAFF- People Against Fake Feminists- are a feared terror group. Being led by the Captain,they fight to give men a fair chance, break them out and give them a place to stay. Known for their sabotage and protest against Ms Coupier, they are a force to be reckoned with.

OOC: This plot is taken from a book I'm writing. I tried to play this out with characters that already exsisted but that didn't work. So I suggest we just do what ever, the only scene I really need is the one where she finally meets her father (The captain) who she thought was dead and the meeting with her love interest who is also a part of the PAFF. So the scene starts where she meets her love interest and then he takes her to the PAFF and there she meets her long lost father.. (She didn't know he was the captain.)
Allison Kline (played by Victoriantruth) Topic Starter

The 19 year old Allison grew up in a good home. Her mom was the right hand of Ms coupier, though she didnt agree with anything that happend around there, Allisons mom did it to protect her. It made Allisons life easier. Because of her fathers death, she and her mom had to do it alone. She had a few memories of him, her mom always told her stories of how brave and sweet her father was. Allison believed that his death made her stronger.

Allison was a rebel at heart, her room was filled with antiques from the year 2014 even though it was forbidden, her diary was full of thoughts on the man hater Ms. coupier.
Allisons goal was to remain invisible through out of her life, she didn't like being in the centre of attention. But she also didn't keep her mouth shut when it came to defending herself or the people around her, which made her loved by everyone around her.

One night Allisoon decided to go out for a drink with her friends, she stayed until midnight. After the drink she walked home through one of the dark allies. Allison had taken that route many times before, but tonight was the only night that she felt like someone was watching her. A chill left goosebumps on her skin, she took a deep breath and the mist coming out of her mouth showed how cold it was. Even though she felt the eyes in her back she kept walking, her hand in her pocket holding her keys, incase she had to defend herself.
A deep voice spoke from the shadows of the alley.
"Ms. Kline, I've been expecting you. We need to talk."
He stepped from the shadows into the moon light, revealing his face.
"I work for the PAFF, a recruiter one might say, and you have caught out attention."
Allison Kline (played by Victoriantruth) Topic Starter

Instead of freaking out, she stayed very calm. Her hand still holding the keys, she turned towards the stranger. "Really? And who might you be?" With narrow eyes, she observed him. He wasn't poorly dressed like most men these days, you could see he was clean and taken care off. That spooked her interest. How could someone be a recruit, a part of PAFF and not look homeless? The rumors must've been true.
Sylvester Fox (played by Ambrosia)

"We're all hidden" Said a voice from behind House. Sly patted his shoulder and handed his partner a pistol "It's show time partner" Sly said with a cheeky grin "Let's go help some brothers out" He sad walking past Allison and peeked over the corner. They had time before the convoy was here "Allison Kline, my partner here was intrigued by you and found you interesting. I don't though. You'll have to prove your worth to me"
He gave her a charming smile then looked again to see if the objective was close, it wasn't far.

"House, It's time, you got her, let's do this mission and get the hell out of here" Sly said cocking his gun. He put an earpiece in and handed one over to Allson "You can chose right now f you want to make a difference or you can chose to sit on the side lines" he said placing the mini device in her hand.

The mission was simple, When the convoy of trucks carrying men who have be captured from PAFF reaches them, House and Sly use their phones to turn the traffic lights red. Once the convoy stops the boys and a few members of PAFF Alpha squad run up to the front doors of the trucks and silently take out the drivers. 5 getaway vehicle are parked close by so the boys can get the Men out quickly

There were four trucks so including House and Sly 2 other Alpha squad members were closeby waiting for the signal. "You ready Partner?"
Allison Kline (played by Victoriantruth) Topic Starter

"Hold on James Bond. I don't have to prove anything to anyone. You know who I am right? Do you know who my mother is? Because I can't just come with just anyone. Why do I even have to come with you? What do you need me for?" She pushed the device away from her and looked around to look for an escape route. The bond reference was probably not gonna be noticed since not many people watched old movies but she couldn't care.

If Ms.Coupier found out she was talking to PAFF men, her mother was gonna be in trouble. She needed to get home right away, before any of Ms.Coupiers rats saw her. "I don't wanna have anything to do with your cons. Its great you guys do this but I have to think of my mom." She had to admit, her whole life she wanted to meet the all famous 'Captain' and be a part of their group. Diaries full of hate stories and thought on this damn revolution. But she couldn't take that risk.
He chuckles. "I'm always ready Sly." He grabs the gun and crosses to the other corner. "Alright Ms. Kline. All you have to do is get in the back of the truck. It's really simple." Pulls out my phone. "How much longer Sly?"
Allison Kline (played by Victoriantruth) Topic Starter

"Good to know that I'm being listened to." Ally rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Well, nice to meet you both. Bye.." Just when she was about to turn around and walk away her phone rang. Quickly she picked up to hear her mother worried on the phone. "You can't come home tonight. Stay with them and I'll explain later. Destroy your phone when you're done." Said her mother. "Who the hell is 'Them'?" Her head slowly went up to face them and she sighed. "You must be kidding me." Her tone was dry and soft.

With no hesitation she threw her phone on the ground and stepped on it. "I worked my ass of for this phone." True, she was dissapointed but if there was anything she knew, it was to trust her mother. The woman who raised her was her all time hero and best friend. It was amazing how she had been there for her through her fathers death and supported her all these years.
Sylvester Fox (played by Ambrosia)

Sly smiled as he saw her toss the phone, he pointed at the earpiece "Put it in, you'll need it, trust me. Heather i the lass on the other side of that earpiece as well as me and House" he peeked around the corner again and spotted the edge of the truck approaching "Silencers on" Sly said, the earpiece picked up his voice clearly. He screwed on the silencer to his gun and got his phone ready.

"3... 2... 1" Sly counted hitting a red button the screen of his phone, the lights turned red and the convoy of trucks stopped "go go go" Sly commanded, running out from the corner of the alley way he shot the driver and the passenger of the first truck before they even realised. He knew House was getting the next one and the other two squad members were getting the other 2 trucks.

Sly opened the driver door, he stepped to the side as the body dropped to the concrete floor. He grabbed the keys from the ignition and ran behind the truck and open the back doors to a group of starved PAFF soldiers, males and females alike.

Sly waved them off "Quickly come, we need to go" he said as softly as possible, there were bound to be reinforcements soon since the traffic lights have been on red for a long time. He ran over to Allison and grabbed her hand then pulled her towards one of the black getaway cars that were parked close by. 4 cars for each truck, all cars were spacious and fast "Take the passenger seat quick" he said "The rest of you get in back, grab some guns" he commanded them and all of them did as he asked.

He looked over to see if House got his truck, The other two were already in their getaway cars.
Allison Kline (played by Victoriantruth) Topic Starter

After putting in th earpiece she followed them. As soon as Sly grabbed her arms she pulled her self out of his grip and gave him a nasty look. "Did you really have to shoot them?" She rubbed her wrist and got in the gettaway car. "If someone could give me some information? That would be great.. Because you are saying you had your eyes on me, and I don't even know why." Her voice got sturn.

A sudden urge to get out of the car came over her. Her mom was in danger and she wasn't there to help her. And not just that. The fact that the PAFF where interested in her was weird, what could they ever want with her. And why did her mom tell her to stay? Did she know them? This is why she always tried to stay out of the spotlight. Drama, something she hated. Especially since people who attracted drama were put in the Castle. The castle, a prison for man who betrayed Ms. Coupier and women who helped them get away with it. It was no secret that anyone who was a treat to the man-hating woman tended to dissapear.

A chill gave her goosebumps. These people, the ones who they just saved probably came from there. She looked around at the ones in her car and her eyes caught a little girl. What the hell was a little girl doing in here? The little girl looked cold so Ally took off her jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. Her scarf and mittens she gave to the others. She was wearing a big comfy sweater so cold was something she didn't have to worry about.
House followed suit and quickly dispatched the two drivers. He grabbed the keys and quickly moved to the back. He opened the door. "Move it! There's food at HQ." He then jumped in the next car, giving a thumbs up when all the passengers were in the car.
Sylvester Fox (played by Ambrosia)

"i did, it was them or us" Sly replied with a nasty tone to match her nasty look. He started the ignition and felt the vibration of the engine coming to life "I never had my eyes on you, you're just someone House wanted to pick up along the way" He wasn't going to make her feel all that special, for all he knew she wasn't.

"Sylvester?" A female voice asked over the earpiece
"Oh Heather, perfect, just the woman I need" Sly replied with a smile, he put his foot down allowing the car to get some speed "I want you to hack every traffic light leading towards the PAFF HQ. Make sure The underground entrance is ready for us" Sly said as he turned corners, each traffic light they passed turned green whilst the others around them turned red. He looked back at House's car and the other two behind him to make sure the were okay.
"Done" Heather replied "The entrance is ready, as soon as you get here it'll open. You have a squad of Fake Feminists inbound on your position, if you keep heading straight you'll see a building... Drive through it. You'll be driving through the first floor which is made out of glass... It's the ramp that'll be tough" Sounds of keyboard tapping came from her side. Sly smiled and hit the accelerator as much as he can, gaining lots of speed as he headed straight for the building.
"Put you belts on!" Sly shouted to the back, he hoped they had.

The car smashed through the first pane of glass into the building lobby, the outer main walls were made up of glass. he centred the car into a corridor of the building as he sped up. The car bearly fit into the tight corridor. as they came to the end of it the car smashed throug the pane of glass at the opposite end of the building but the building seemed higher from the ground than he originally anticipated.

He Saw the ground but the car was angled just right so it would land with minor damage. The rear bumper caused sparks as it got dragged along the road. In the centre of the road there were train tracks that lead under ground. Sly took the tracks and followed the tunnel to the end until it came to a bend. to the right hand side a wall raised up into a pure white garage filled. Sly slowly drove the car in and took a deep breath as his adrenaline started to clear from his system "Destination reached"
House dropped the clutch a little too hard as he began to drive, making the tires squeal. "Whoops."

He listened to Heather over the ear piece. "Don't you think we should have more than one path of green lights to throw off the FFs?"

As they approached the building he grinned. "Hold on to your underwear boys, we're going through." Watching Sly destroy the glass made House a little upset, so he veered slightly off to the right to smash through the glass. "YYYYYEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAA!!!"

The edge of the building shocked him though, unprepared for the drop that appeared, his car landed harder than he wanted it to, bottoming out the shocks. "My bad."

He followed behind Sly, slowing down as they entered the garage and rolling down the window. "I love this job!"
Allison Kline (played by Victoriantruth) Topic Starter

OOC: We need someone to play the Captain AKA Ally's father
Sylvester Fox (played by Ambrosia)

OOC: nah we don't, make him an NPC like I did with Heather, 3 people is fine :)
Allison Kline (played by Victoriantruth) Topic Starter

OOC: Yes we do.. I don't know if you read the beginning but its important....
Sylvester Fox (played by Ambrosia)

This is what I mean by an example of an NPC
See more
"Sylvester?" A female voice asked over the earpiece
"Oh Heather, perfect, just the woman I need" Sly replied with a smile, he put his foot down allowing the car to get some speed "I want you to hack every traffic light leading towards the PAFF HQ. Make sure The underground entrance is ready for us" Sly said as he turned corners, each traffic light they passed turned green whilst the others around them turned red. He looked back at House's car and the other two behind him to make sure the were okay.
"Done" Heather replied "The entrance is ready, as soon as you get here it'll open. You have a squad of Fake Feminists inbound on your position, if you keep heading straight you'll see a building... Drive through it. You'll be driving through the first floor which is made out of glass... It's the ramp that'll be tough" Sounds of keyboard tapping came from her side. Sly smiled and hit the accelerator as much as he can, gaining lots of speed as he headed straight for the building.
"Put you belts on!" Sly shouted to the back, he hoped they had.
Allison Kline (played by Victoriantruth) Topic Starter

OOC; I get what you mean. I'm not stupid. But her father is a big part of the PAFF and the story. SOOO..
Sylvester Fox (played by Ambrosia)

OOC: Ayt then I guess I can create a temp character?
Allison Kline (played by Victoriantruth) Topic Starter

OOC: I might have found someone. So you don't have to.

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