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Forums » General Roleplay » Taken and held captive

Zarock (played by Maddison)

"I dont care where they ar e GO GE THEM" said a man about 6' ttall a black cpe white hair and red eyes.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

Archer was sitting by his fire, having just finished eating. He was chanting as he made designs with sticks.
Zarock (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

Zarock was keeping an eye on his men from afar and saw the target near a fire. His men charged him and knocked him out taking him to a cage in a collouseum
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

Archer woke up, finding himself with a huge headache and in a cage. He sat up and tried to look around outside the cage.
Zarock (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

"You are in colloseum we are waiting for are next capture like you to have you fight unless you want to try your abbilities on me But there will be no killing in this fight we will save that for later."
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

Archer sat there, opting to remain silent as he studied the area.
((can I join in?))
mark (played by jaykob)

(Can I join)
Zarock (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

(yes you guys can you need to tell me where you are in your post o i can kidnap you XD)
mark (played by jaykob)

mark was standing in the woods hunting he has a sword and a gun the gun is what he is hunting with the sword is sheathed (to give the most infromation possible)
Zareon (played anonymously)

"I got another one boss this one was hunting" A wierd creature said carreing a body ver his shoulder. He then tossed it in a cage and locked it up. He then went over to the other cage with someone in it "Tommorow you fight now you sleep."
Zarock (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

Zarock entered the place were the two captives were locked up "Theres one thing i forgot to mention, Winner fights me." Zarock said once mark woke up.
mark (played by jaykob)

he looked at the man who he would be fighting if he won "intresting ill make sure to win so I can kill you" he said then layed down and looked through the bars at the roof
Zarock (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

Zarock stepped out once the morning cam "Wake up you maggots its fight time hurry up and get to it i dont have time to waste."
Zareon (played anonymously)

Zareon stepped into where the cages are once Zarock left he grabbed one of them while another gaurd grabbed there latest catch. They took them to op[posite side of the colloseum into a room with weapons.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

Archer picked out a sword with a back sheath. He then picked up a quiver of arrows, putting it on his back as well. He walked to the bows, testing each one before picking a strong, sturdy bow with blades on both ends. He waited for the fight.
mark (played by jaykob)

Mark grabbed two five inch knies two swors and a assortment of throwing knives aand got ready for the fight
Zarock (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

Zarock stood up from his throne and raised his hands. "This fight will definatly be interesting a bow and sword against knives and a sword. Let the fight BEGIN" Zarock said as the cages opened he sat back down to watch this fihgt.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

Archer immediately shot an arrow at his opponent before jumping up to the seating level, running behind pillars before shooting more arrows.
mark (played by jaykob)

Mark quickly dodged the aroows running around the stadium until he got a cler view of archer he then pulled out two throwing knives nd threw one right infront of archer hopping he would run into it and one where he was in case he stopped moving

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