You're just afraid that I might actually win against you.
Archer pm me if you want to fight cause right now i think youre afraid to fight me On another note lets get this rp back to what it ws saige your fighting mark.
I sent the PM. Now come and fight me you wuss.
Mark, who's side are you on?
niether side your both being stupid
archer-I clearly stated that 1-2 would miss and anything else is the damage and in this you cant survive 10 points if you dont like it go to a diffirent role play
Zarock-seriously its not that big of a deal its over theres no need to argue
archer-I clearly stated that 1-2 would miss and anything else is the damage and in this you cant survive 10 points if you dont like it go to a diffirent role play
Zarock-seriously its not that big of a deal its over theres no need to argue
mark wrote:
niether side your both being stupid
archer-I clearly stated that 1-2 would miss and anything else is the damage and in this you cant survive 10 points if you dont like it go to a diffirent role play
Zarock-seriously its not that big of a deal its over theres no need to argue
archer-I clearly stated that 1-2 would miss and anything else is the damage and in this you cant survive 10 points if you dont like it go to a diffirent role play
Zarock-seriously its not that big of a deal its over theres no need to argue
With your logic, you should have died by my 11. But I let you live.
Also, Zarock likes to godmod, so watch out.
you said roll higher I would block it I did that and attacked while you were off guard plus my instincts gave me speed that you cant just jump backwards and avoid it ok now I think this is over all thats going to happen is argueing so ill tell zarock to just start ignoring you if he god mods ill deal with myself it and beat him legitly
John was was walking in the forest when he came across a collosium. He quickly made his way to the top and saw that there were fights going on. He sat down to watch, keeping an eye on his surroundings in case he needed to run.
Seeing the man sitting on the colloseum he then grabbed him nd knocked him out with a single punch he then went to the cages and locked him up next to where the girl that is about to fight was.
Mark looked at the king "Now when will the next fight be?" he asked keeping his weapons out
(Itll be whenever saige is on)
"You'll have your fun juust be lucky im giving you a break" Zarock said taking a step away from the metal bars that seperated those two
"You'll have your fun juust be lucky im giving you a break" Zarock said taking a step away from the metal bars that seperated those two
I sit down, thinking aloud to myself, "I have to kill people? What is the purpose of this?"
I notice him sitting there, "Hey, do you know what the point of all this is?"
"Some psycho forcing people to kill eachother and whoever wins fights the person who threw us here"
"Not necessarely the point of this is ll of you have done something wrong in your life and were in a budget crisis so your our distraction and they pay to sit down so were also getting our budget back to normal." Zarock said looking at the girl. "Now time for the fight get out there if you dont within a minute the cage opens you'll be boiled aliv by lava Have fun." Zarock then took his place at the top and spoke to the crowd "Next fight Saige Mcblaire VS Mark Havoc."
Done something wrong in my life? Was he talking about... no, he couldn't know anything about that. There was no way. I stood up, stepping out of the cage, "Do we get to pick out a weapon?"
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