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Forums » General Roleplay » Taken and held captive

Carces (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

The ground fell revealing the lava he was on the wall like a spider sits. But his face was outwards. He saw the knife bounc of the wall and melt in the lava "Guess i know its real now" He said grabbing the to of the broken off gate to swing himself out. He ran to the right as soon as he flung himself.
mark (played by jaykob)

He saw him swing out knowing he couldent see him he loaded to shots in his crossbow and shot at his leg
Carces (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

Runnning long the wall he jumpe off to dodge the two bullets then ran at mark with his machetes attempting to slash at his hand with the cross bow. (If not then he will ttempt to get it out of your hand by dropping his machete and palming it out while you character is dealing with the other machete)
mark (played by jaykob)

mark threw the crossbow at him and did a frontflip over while pulling out knives and went to stab his neck on the way down
Carces (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

Carces dodged the knife by bending backwards then went to kick up at mark.
mark (played by jaykob)

He caught the foot with one hand and pulled out a swrod quickly and went to cut his leg off
Carces (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

Carces blocked the slash with his machete picking up his other then bringing his foot down and slashing downwrds from where mark is and his foot will be
mark (played by jaykob)

Mak quickly pulled out a knife is was barely strong enough to stop the mechete but it slowed it down befor it broke giving him time to jump back and throw four throwing knives at him
Carces (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

carces blocked the knife goiing toward his neck slowing it down enough for carces to grab it while he dodged the rest. He throw it at Mark aiming for a bulls eye
Zarock (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

Seeng the blade insert through marks eye Zarock stood up "Well well well We got another volunteer he said he wants to give his own entrence" Zarock sat down and waited for the enterance
jaraki (played by jaykob)

Jarakin walked in "umm is this where I get to use this cupon"
Zarock (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

Carces (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

Carces ran at the man and cut the coupon in half then went to kick him in the side with a round house.
jaraki (played by jaykob)

He caught the kick and jumped back and pulled out a air horn and startted blowing it at his feet (he will dodge any attempt to destroy it
Carces (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

Carces jumped up and kicked it out of his hand sending it tumbling along the floor still in one piece. He then atcked with his sword. (If he is to block crces will change trajectory to the wall if not it is a fatal blow going through the heart.
jaraki (played by jaykob)

He dodged the kick out of the air horn and jumped back enough the stab would miss through the air horn and throw a knife at it while it was next to his head and he was in mid air so he couldent change trajectory and it would explode his head
Carces (played by Maddison) Topic Starter

Carces blocked the knife with his matchete then was knocked back uo aainst the wall away from the new opponent.

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