"mannnnn" a young brown haired boy exclaimed as he walked along an empty street "It's so nice out today right Elie, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and theres no shadows , or demons or anything to ruin the mood" as he spoke A small purple eyed black cat popped its head out of his backpack and crawled up onto his shoulder "I think you spoke to soon Rhider" the cat spoke as she arched her back and hissed at a small black portal that had formed on the road 20 feet infront of Rhider
"MANNNNN" he said dropping his back pack and pulling out a white mask "lets go Elie" he said as he put the mask on. the mask the created a red long hooded cloak that covered rhiders body for a moment before revieling a completely changed appearance.
"It's not so bad this guys small fry, it'll be easy" The cat said as she jumped from Rhiders shoulders and morphed into a tall long haired pale women wearing a long black leather coat and carrying a black scythe.
"you want me to get this one or you got it" Elie asked as she twirled he large weapon "you can have some fun if you want" Rhider said with a wave of his hand and before he had even finished his sentence Elie was in the arm with a crazed expression. then once the small shadow walker came through the portal she brought down her scythe and cut the shadow in half. "YEAH!" she screamed as she absorbed the shadow into her body.
"Was he on our list?" Rhider asked as he walked over to stand beside Elie. she then closed her eyes and stayed silent for a moment "yeah he was at like the bottom thought" she said as she opened her eyes "we still have 20 more on this months list , and like always Machete is at the top"
"god just once i would like him to come out of hiding so we could rack his butt down as cut him in half, if you could absorb him Elie you'd be unstoppable" Rhider said and Elie started to drool just thinking at the power she could get, when suddenly she became very alert " theres something coming.. but I can't tell what it is"
"MANNNNN" he said dropping his back pack and pulling out a white mask "lets go Elie" he said as he put the mask on. the mask the created a red long hooded cloak that covered rhiders body for a moment before revieling a completely changed appearance.
"It's not so bad this guys small fry, it'll be easy" The cat said as she jumped from Rhiders shoulders and morphed into a tall long haired pale women wearing a long black leather coat and carrying a black scythe.
"you want me to get this one or you got it" Elie asked as she twirled he large weapon "you can have some fun if you want" Rhider said with a wave of his hand and before he had even finished his sentence Elie was in the arm with a crazed expression. then once the small shadow walker came through the portal she brought down her scythe and cut the shadow in half. "YEAH!" she screamed as she absorbed the shadow into her body.
"Was he on our list?" Rhider asked as he walked over to stand beside Elie. she then closed her eyes and stayed silent for a moment "yeah he was at like the bottom thought" she said as she opened her eyes "we still have 20 more on this months list , and like always Machete is at the top"
"god just once i would like him to come out of hiding so we could rack his butt down as cut him in half, if you could absorb him Elie you'd be unstoppable" Rhider said and Elie started to drool just thinking at the power she could get, when suddenly she became very alert " theres something coming.. but I can't tell what it is"
Archer appeared in a dark alley. He heard voices coming from the road, so he went to see who it was. When he looked out, he saw a shadow demon appear and immediately get cut in half by a woman with a scythe. "That's gotta hurt..." he muttered to himself. He watched as they celebrated. Then he heard the name Machete. 'That's the shadow demon leader... if they're also after him...' he thought as he stepped out of the shadows and onto the street. "So, you're also looking for Machete?" he asked, leaning against a light pole.
Rhider quickly pulled out his broad swords and held them in a battle ready stance "who the hell are you?" he asked as Elie started to growl and hiss "and what do you know about machette" She asked showing off her demonic fangs.
"The name's Archer." he said, standing up straight and walking over to where the shadow demon had appeared. He crouched down and touched the residue of the portal. If one looked close enough, one could see a black spot shoot to the middle of the residue and disappear, only to reappear and shoot back to Archer's hand seconds later. Archer stood back up. "Machete is the leader of the shadow demons. An annoyance." he said as he started walking down the street. "He's relatively close, is you consider a few miles away relatively close."
"I'm well aware of who machette is, and i'm aware of his location , but he's in hiding, and for him that mean even if we know where he is we won't find him" Rhider said watching as Archer walked passed him and Elie "being the king , gives Machete special powers, one of which is to rip holes in reality and hide within them , as long as he's in one of those holes we can't get to him"
Archer turned around suddenly, slightly hunched over and pointing his finger at them. "Or can we?" he said, starting to wave his finger. "We need to find a portal near his hiding location." He turned back around and started to walk quickly. "General Joe, he's near. Send your men on a sweep for portals and have them report any they find to be near his hiding place." he said, seeming to be talking to himself. But suddenly, a mid-sized group of dark, shadowy figures rose from the ground. One of them seemed to be the leader, giving orders to the others before they all just disappeared.
Rhider looked at Elie who shurgged " will you explain just who the hell you are... how do you know all this ... and how are you able to summon the shadows?" Rhider said as Elie twirled her scythe a bit.
Archer stopped walking. "I'm a shadow-walker." he said, turning his head back towards them slightly. "And I didn't summon the Shadows, I talked to them and they appeared." He then started walking again.
"Okay, mr.Shadow walker why should we listen to you?" Elie Hissed as raced to stand in front of Archer "Elie.. cool down" Rhider said almost instantly appearing next to her "im sorry about her , shes a demon... but she has a point , how do we know we can trust you?"
Archer stopped walking. "Before I answer your questions. My name is Archer, not Mr. Shadow-walker." he said. "Now, to answer her question. You don't have to listen to me if you don't want to. And now your question. Never trust somebody that hasn't revealed a dark secret of theirs to you. At least, that's my take on trust." He then melted into the ground, and a black spot could be seen moving under them. Archer then reappeared on the other side of them and continued walking.
Elie quickly took her sythe and put the blade infront of Archer "and ... if we are to trust you and tell you a secret of ours, shouldn't you tell us first" she said and Rhider walked to stand next to Archer " my name is Rhider, but i am know as the demon tamer by the society of Soul hunters, and this is Elie , my partner... now I do believe Elie is right, its only polite to tell us before we tell you"
Archer gently moved the blade out of his way. He took a step forward and turned to them. "If you really want to trust me, fine." he said, spreading his arms out. "What exactly would you like to know?"
Elie looked at Rhider then to Archer "Just what are you .. you don't smell like a normal human" she asked and rhider nodded "also ... who is your employer?" he asked
"Like I said earlier, I'm a human that is a shadow-walker." Archer said, putting his arms down. "A human that delved into black magic, which that might be what you're smelling. As for my employer, I have none." He raised his arms again. "Anything else? Or you want a turn now?" he asked.
"Go ahead, one question each" Rhider said and when Elie was about to protest he looked at her, something in his eyes that were barely visible behind his mask made her stop. "what are your questions?"
"Ok, do you like like her and do you like like him?" Archer asked. He then put his arms down, crossing them across his chest.
Rhiders shoulders slumped when Elie started laughing at Archers question "Me .. like him .. Oh wow!" she said barely able to speak through her gasps for air. meanwhile Rhider sighed "shes not interested in me because shes a demon .. and I'm not interested in her because i just so happen to be gay" Rhider said as he bonked Elie on the top of her head to make her stop laughing.
"There." Archer said, holding his arms out to the sides. "Now we all know something about each other." He then turned and continued walking yet again. He only took a few steps before suddenly stopping and slowly turned around. "Wait, you're a demon? And you're gay? Ok first, I don't mind gays as long as they don't hit on me, just putting that out there. And second, what kind of demon?"
Rhider sighed and shook his head while Elie put her hands up on her head like cat ears "Im a level 9 shadow cat" She said while wiggling her hands like cat ears. "whats the big deal.. shes my partnet got a problem with demons?" Rhider asked as he and Elie walked closer to Archer.
(Demons are ranked from 0-10)
(Demons are ranked from 0-10)
"Ok, I really have no clue what that means, but ok." Archer said. "And yes I have a problem with demons. But only the shadow demons like the one you killed when I met you. All other demons haven't been a problem yet, so to clarify. No, I don't have a problem with demons unless they are shadow demons." He then turned and continued walking again.
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