This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Hey everyone! Alright so I got this fancy new character right here, Thurilos! He has recently gotten off his mandatory years in the military, and now he is of age to marry. Really, he's quite a catch! Nephew of the king of the Noble Elves and everything! He's handsome, charming, polite, least, in public. He may or may not be a bit of a jerk in private. *ahem*
So! I'm either looking for:
1) A pure elf woman (no half-elves!!) who is sophisticated and elegant but can smack some sense into this jerk
2) Someone to [kidnap, ambush, take prisoner, etc] Mr. Teltenar and force him into a life beyond scented baths and delicate hors d'oeuvres, preferably someone kind of brutish and barbaric
Okay! So just reply here or shoot me a PM (I would like the RP to be via PM, as well!). We can discuss plot and characters then.
So! I'm either looking for:
1) A pure elf woman (no half-elves!!) who is sophisticated and elegant but can smack some sense into this jerk
2) Someone to [kidnap, ambush, take prisoner, etc] Mr. Teltenar and force him into a life beyond scented baths and delicate hors d'oeuvres, preferably someone kind of brutish and barbaric
Okay! So just reply here or shoot me a PM (I would like the RP to be via PM, as well!). We can discuss plot and characters then.
And now you've got me tempted to throw one of my Sand Elves at this.
Though they aren't the sort to just randomly kidnap/attack/etc. But they would be the sort to torment him while possibly helping him out of such a situation.
(And they certainly aren't acceptable marriage material.)
If you're curious:
Kyra is more the wanderer and pretty rough around the edges. And she's prolly so far below him as to be an untouchable.
Sari is more collected and comes with a whole clan, and she's actually usually pretty nice so long as her clan is treated with respect (and she will tear you a new one if you mess with any of "her" kids). Her dedication has made her into a sort of unofficial leader.

If you're curious:
Kyra is more the wanderer and pretty rough around the edges. And she's prolly so far below him as to be an untouchable.

Sari is more collected and comes with a whole clan, and she's actually usually pretty nice so long as her clan is treated with respect (and she will tear you a new one if you mess with any of "her" kids). Her dedication has made her into a sort of unofficial leader.
Kyra looks interesting! A wanderer could work~ With Thurilos being rather high up in social status, he could always be taken by some bitter elves/humans/[enter race here] for ransom from the Noble Elves. If you think she would, Kyra could take interest in saving Thurilos, either for a reward or from the good of her heart. Then culture clashes and personality clashes could occur and make everything quite amazing! x3 Unless you would prefer Sari and/or another plot line?
i know theres not much on my Avalon here (and i can play her a full Elf ) Shes sweet and kind but can do some damage to anyone who messes with her. I also got other elfs in other Female
Avalon wrote:
i know theres not much on my Avalon here (and i can play her a full Elf ) Shes sweet and kind but can do some damage to anyone who messes with her. I also got other elfs in other Female
Well does her being a half-elf do anything for her personality? Keep her like that. Do you have a specific plot you wanna try? C:
well a little back story on Avalon. If you don't mind her being a mage her father was one of the most powerful wizards. Due to getting himself into danger he had to leave Avalon despite how much it pained him to, but not before teaching her of her own powers. Shes mostly been on her own since then.
i like the 1st idea on the list.
i like the 1st idea on the list.
Mimikk wrote:
Kyra looks interesting! A wanderer could work~ With Thurilos being rather high up in social status, he could always be taken by some bitter elves/humans/[enter race here] for ransom from the Noble Elves. If you think she would, Kyra could take interest in saving Thurilos, either for a reward or from the good of her heart. Then culture clashes and personality clashes could occur and make everything quite amazing! x3 Unless you would prefer Sari and/or another plot line?
So it depends on which of those sound better. Kyra has more adventure flexibility, Sari has more drama flexibility.
Avalon wrote:
well a little back story on Avalon. If you don't mind her being a mage her father was one of the most powerful wizards. Due to getting himself into danger he had to leave Avalon despite how much it pained him to, but not before teaching her of her own powers. Shes mostly been on her own since then.
i like the 1st idea on the list.
i like the 1st idea on the list.
Maybe you should write her backstory in her profile c: So her father was a human mage, and I assume her mother was an elf?
Novalyyn wrote:
Base plot would probably be about the same either way, to be honest. Beyond that, Kyra would be shooting insults at him pretty much constantly, probably try pushing him to fight her, and she once kneed a guy in the crotch pretty much just because; while with Sari, there would be the complexities of the whole clan to deal with, and they stick to the desert. And while, as mentioned, neither would be any good for a wife, Sari would offer greater potential for a romantic tryst.
So it depends on which of those sound better. Kyra has more adventure flexibility, Sari has more drama flexibility.
So it depends on which of those sound better. Kyra has more adventure flexibility, Sari has more drama flexibility.
Hmm... Well I'm not looking specifically for romance, more of forcing Thurilos out of his comfort zone. So maybe Sari would be a better match! (Perhaps instead of being kidnapped for ransom Thurilos is just dumped out in the desert to die, and that's when Sari and her clan find him?)
Mimikk wrote:
Hmm... Well I'm not looking specifically for romance, more of forcing Thurilos out of his comfort zone. So maybe Sari would be a better match! (Perhaps instead of being kidnapped for ransom Thurilos is just dumped out in the desert to die, and that's when Sari and her clan find him?)

But yeah, that could work.

By the way, did you read the page on how I defined my elves? Some of it is flexible, so let me know if any of it would be a problem. And you can expect Sand Elves to view Noble Elves the way they view Moon Elves.

Mimikk wrote:
Avalon wrote:
well a little back story on Avalon. If you don't mind her being a mage her father was one of the most powerful wizards. Due to getting himself into danger he had to leave Avalon despite how much it pained him to, but not before teaching her of her own powers. Shes mostly been on her own since then.
i like the 1st idea on the list.
i like the 1st idea on the list.
Maybe you should write her backstory in her profile c: So her father was a human mage, and I assume her mother was an elf?
i will get around to that and yes her father was human her mother was an elf
Alright, I PMed everyone. This topic is now closed as I have enough partners!
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