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Forums » Looking for RP » Western RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

The mine had collapsed almost a year ago, many men died in the tragic accident. Rumors were that it was haunted kept people from wanting to work there, but the mayor of a small western town saw profit in it's hidden minerals. He wanted to put the small dusty town of "Tumbleweed" on the map! But now, on the one year ceremony to mourn the lost in that fatal accident a year ago a strange fog has roll in. Can the few men that the town has left stand to defend against the "undead" menace? Maybe a lady or two will stand and fight?? They defend the town and venture to the mine and figure out why it REALLY collapsed and how to stop this all from happening!... If they can even stop it.
The Willow Family (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

I'd be interested to use Jaqulynn here :U
RoyaleX318 Topic Starter

she normal?
The Willow Family (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

No she isn't. She's a changeling. Though her powers are centered around her mana. But she can be brought down to normal with a little mana blockage.
RoyaleX318 Topic Starter

... I don't know then.
The Willow Family (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

The rp does have a supernatural element to it, and I don't have any straight up human characters, aside from Kara who I don't think would fit the setting.
RoyaleX318 Topic Starter

only kinda.
The Willow Family (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Well, let me know when you decide if I can use Jaqulynn or not
RoyaleX318 Topic Starter

okey dokey
I'll take a swing at this, maybe Borron can be a member of the Native American tribe that owned the land before it was settled and knows a little something something about the mystical properties that it possesses.
RoyaleX318 Topic Starter

Is that a yes?
RoyaleX318 Topic Starter

heck yeah, but how about ur an "assimilated" native, and you own a shop, or farm and thats why you would fight for "TumbleWeed". I'm the drunk sheriff!
Alright, sounds good.
RoyaleX318 Topic Starter

Still need one more normal villager, maybe two. Are u gonna be a farmer or a shop keeper of like dream catchers and stuff??
Probably the latter.
RoyaleX318 Topic Starter

Gotcha, well we still need one or two more.
Hey I'll join
RoyaleX318 Topic Starter

Sounds good, what character?
RoyaleX318 Topic Starter

Black Crow should be Borron's brother or something. Dad??

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Western RP (closed)

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