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Forums » Looking for RP » Vampire role play? (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

LordFantastic Topic Starter

+DeathScythe hell yes! :) Monster hunters would make this very fun
LordFantastic Topic Starter

+ DeathScythe I like them both and would like to see you use both how ever I will note that since they are human they do not live forever and this role play will have HUGE time gaps from the dark ages to post modern and between. meaning 100's of years will pass.
maybe you shod start with little red and perhaps during a time skip she will grow old and die or die in some other way (or even become bitten and live on who knows) but after little red the other one could come in?
this was just an idea feel free to try to work it out with me I don't want to force you to do ant thing you don't want to do :)
Maybe Scythe's characters some how managed to get immortality?
LordFantastic wrote:
+ DeathScythe I like them both and would like to see you use both how ever I will note that since they are human they do not live forever and this role play will have HUGE time gaps from the dark ages to post modern and between. meaning 100's of years will pass.
maybe you shod start with little red and perhaps during a time skip she will grow old and die or die in some other way (or even become bitten and live on who knows) but after little red the other one could come in?
this was just an idea feel free to try to work it out with me I don't want to force you to do ant thing you don't want to do :)

That would fine if one of my characters get bitten by a vampire since this going to skip hundreds of years later.
LordFantastic Topic Starter

+ DeathScythe yeah being bitten could work to :)
LordFantastic wrote:
+ DeathScythe yeah being bitten could work to :)

LordFantastic Topic Starter

Sketch444 yet to get that demon info
No XD other thigns have taken up my time for creative thinking, mostly school. I can send oyu what I've got planned out already though if you want.
LordFantastic Topic Starter

yea do that and I will add to it
LordFantastic Topic Starter

(oh my god I'm sorry I forgot about this guys)

Demons and users of dark magics

Demons are what has become of the fallen angels after the in haven. most of them are only spirits and powerful spirits at that. Most all demons work to undo the will of god in any way they can it is there wish to gain the souls of mortals in able to make themselves more powerful. They have many ways of doing this aside from making deals for human souls just tempting humans over to the dark side is enough tip the scales in their favor.

In the world all dark magic comes from demons from the mightiest of the demonic at 30 gods to a child playing with a weegie board at 1. I will now the list of demonic power from 1 to 30 (mind you many with demonic power are not demons at all they just have a small amount of demonic power which is given to them by a demon)

at 1 to 9 the users of magic may not even know they are even are demons these "powers" are so weak like reading a weegie board or "feeling" spirits or having a little luck could just be considered coincidences mixed with dumb luck.

At 10 to 15 a real "deal" must be made to gain any more power (not a deal for a soul necessarily)
Unless some one has demon or other dark blood in there family at witch case they would be born with these powers (the powers being that he or she can now truly see and even talk to spirits as well as have small magical powers that are often very weak)

At 16 to 19 real magic comes in to play like mind control spell casting harry potter style shape shifting and much much more. for this much power if it's not in your blood real dark sacrifices must be made often human souls and blood or the soul of the one making the deal

at 20 to 25 one must be at lest part demon or even be a demon this means win there body dies they become a demon spirit it also moans they may have horns,wings,black/or glowing eyes or many other body changes

26 to 28 are full on demons and very powerful ones at that these are the ones giving power to the witchs,getting people to sin,aking other monsters. It is possible for a human to even become a full demon but highly unlikely)

29 are the demon princes those who have proven themselves worthy to sit at the right hand of lucifer himself they are demonic gods they have dominion over their own realms of hell were they may shape reality as they see fit they may make or destroy any lesser demon under them. (just to note there power Just one of these demon princes Sanguinem Dominus (the blood god) is the demon who created the first vampire with the help of regem of necromantia (lord of necromancy aka the Defer of death)

30 is no other than lucifer king of all demons himself whos power is only below god
Cria Laenaius (played anonymously)

Can I get in on this?

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