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Forums » Looking for RP » Man in the Shadows (A horror RP) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Tic Toc
He knocks
Night is here
Know your fear
Men in the Shadows
And Hope at the gallows
Death draws near.

A monster lurks in the shadows at night. We live in a world where slenderman guards the forest, skeletons hide in the closet, and the boogeyman lives under the bed. These legends exist because there are survivors. There is one monster, however, that has never been heard of because nobody ever survives. He picks his pray and haunts them. Lurking in the shadows, he mutilates his victims as they sleep, then disappears without anyone knowing he was there. And who is his next prey? You.

Man in the Shadows is a horror RP where you are the main character and I just play some supporting roles. While you don't know why you are targeted by the Man in the Shadows, a man shows up claiming to be your only hope. Left with no choice, you follow him. It's not too long before you realize you wouldn't be alive without him. It's also not long until he tells you that you are the only one able to destroy the Man in the Shadows.

I'm only looking to run one game right now, but at willing to include other supporting characters as the main characters friends (if they are willing to accept the possibility of character death). I'm looking for someone able to handle gory scenes, write complete and considerate posts, and contribute to the progression of the RP.

If you think you're up to being hunted, post below. The Man in the Shadows is waiting for you.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

May I join as a scare factor? :3 :P
Inkliest Topic Starter

I'm not sure Archer will fit in with the bad guys. The bad guys, also, come in at seemingly random (actually rather specific) times and usually it's certain types (all the henchmen of the leader to be revealed).
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

Am I able to join the badies now? :3
Read/skim through this and you can see my potential...
(Note, that is without my magics.)
Inkliest Topic Starter

It's nothing to do with potential. I've no doubt you could do very well with the part. I already have the baddies planned out. I'm looking for a goodie and the goodie's friends (possibly for the second one).
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

Oh, ok then. :P
Could I maybe scare the goodie more than I should then? :P
Inkliest Topic Starter

Erm, I'm not sure what you're talking about there.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

Meaning, as a friend, I shouldn't scare the goodie at all. But I'm the goodies best friend so I scare them anyways. XD
Inkliest Topic Starter

Not necessarily. It's a slightly darker horror RP. You're being hunted by a blood thirsty killing machine that's never been seen by a survivor before.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

I could ditch the goodie when I see the killer...

Actually, now that I think about it, this would be to much work...XD
But I'll read along if it's on a forum. :P
Inkliest Topic Starter

It's actually going to most likely be PM due to violent content.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

Oh ok then.
Inkliest Topic Starter

If you'd like to be a character you can. There's just certain things going on. There's nothing stopping from some comedy, but the rp itself is not supposed to be a comedy.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

Eh, it's your choice. I don't mind either way.

Sounds cool! I'd be interested!
Inkliest Topic Starter

Sorry for the response delay, and thanks for hoeing interest! I'll message you so we can start setting this up.


You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Man in the Shadows (A horror RP) (closed)

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