Erica laughed "You're kidding right?"
Fogi lifts an eyebrow. "Do you accept his challenge?" he asks wryly.
Erica smiles. "Yes I accept his challenge" She said straightening.
Azucena slowly steps outside. "I heard challenge..."
Erica continued quickly. "We need ground rules!" Erica smiled "Yes azucena you heard that Hiro has just challenged me."
Erica nods. "So Azucena how are you feeling?" Erica asked keeping her eye on Hiro.
"Fine!" says Hiro. "First to land three clean blows wins! Master will keep score!"
"If I may add one thing." Master Fogi walks up to Hiro, and then punches him hard in the stomach. The boy doubles over in pain, collapsing to his knees. "There, you are ready to begin."
"H-h-haai, sensei..." Hiro staggers to his feet, weakly taking his fighting stance.
"If I may add one thing." Master Fogi walks up to Hiro, and then punches him hard in the stomach. The boy doubles over in pain, collapsing to his knees. "There, you are ready to begin."
"H-h-haai, sensei..." Hiro staggers to his feet, weakly taking his fighting stance.
Erica smiles and just stands still.
She giggles slightly. "I feel like shit but I think Hiro feels worse."
"This is why he lost in the forest against those gunmen," Fogi explains. "This will be a lesson for him to learn to fight through pain."
"Hai," Hiro groans.
"Hai," Hiro groans.
(Gonna make food. brb)
Erica giggles but keeps her stance, feet planted hip width apart keeping watch of him while her hands lay loosely by her sides.
(I'm gonna share my story with you cause I need help.)
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