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Forums » General Roleplay » Roleplaying with Erica Foxpaw and 1 other person

Erica automatically squirmed away from the other man whimpering.
Azucena Swift (played anonymously) Topic Starter

She slowly sits up, shivering slightly. "You left me to be cold you meanie!" She points at Hiro accusingly, pulls her knees to her chest, still shivering.
She limps over to her sister curling up next to her protectively.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

"Hey, your body-heat isn't my problem!"

"Yamero!" grunted the man who fixed them up

"Hai!" peeped Hiro. The man points to the tea tray, now covered in cups full of fresh hot tea. Without a word, Hiro runs to the tray and hurries it over to Azucena. "Here you are, miss, please accept our hospitality."
Erica growls at the man who yanked alice's tail.
Azucena Swift (played anonymously) Topic Starter

She giggles slightly, taking a cup of tea, almost spilling it in the process. "Why thank you. I appreciate your kindness and all you have done, though I believe my sister is still mad."
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

"Please forgive my student's impertinence," says the man, stroking his long beard. "He means well, but he is an energetic boy, you know how they are."

"Forgive me, Master Fogi," grumbled Hiro.


"I mean forgive me, Master Fogi!!" Hiro says more eagerly, a twinge of fear in his voice.
Erica realized that this older man was the master of this place and walked over to him with a slight limp and bowed her head in hello out of courtesy.
Azucena Swift (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Ahh... So that's why....." She shakes her head slightly. "It's fine. And I'm sorry about earlier, my manners were off. I haven't been feeling myself lately." She points to the fox. "My sister keeps getting either me, her, or both of us hurt and it's annoying me."
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

"Hiro," said the man. "You have brought a great deal of trouble to our dojo."

"What? How?"

"The Neko and Kitsune are a hunted race," said Fogi. "You bringing them here will bring bounty hunters to our door."
Erica whimpers in a sincere apology still bowing her head her eyes on the floor.
Azucena Swift (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Alice picks up her sister, swiftly setting her on her own head. "Sorry about that, by the way. Oh and Hiro, you left your weights."
Erica whimpers and grumbles in response growling slightly.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

"Hiro, go get your weights and bring them back."

Hiro let out a light whimper. "Hai, sensei..." Hiro turned and left out the sliding door.
Azucena Swift (played anonymously) Topic Starter

She smiles, setting her sister back down, healing her in the process.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

(and I think I'm gonna call it for now. It's sleepy time over here)
Azucena Swift (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(It's 1:55 in the morning here)
(okay bye)
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

Azucena Swift (played anonymously) Topic Starter


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