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Forums » Looking for RP » One Hell of an Evening (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Well, I'd be fine with juggling Jackson and Loki. >.>

With so many people, is there going to be some sort of posting order to help ensure no one gets left behind? Or will the chaos simply be chaos?
Loren Topic Starter

I think it'll be best to have a posting order, yeah :P Once we "close" the roleplay, so to speak, we'll sort that out XD
Loren Topic Starter

So, ah, shall we go through the posting order then? Will we organize it by users or by characters XD?
Yeah I'm fine with that
Loren Topic Starter

Hmm. Do you wanna do it by the same order we have here? (I'm first, then it's Rose, then it's Sketch, etcetera?) It'd be simpler that way, I guess.
I'm cool with whatever. :3
Loren Topic Starter

Right. I'll do a RP Discussion thread, by the way, to stop filling in the Looking for Roleplay forums :P
Cathziel (played anonymously)

You have certainly piqued my interest. Perhaps you may want to meet Lady Cathziel, business tycoon, brothel keeper and purveyor of magical items, information, and personal favours. She looks human, but she smells of magic and never seems to be far away from the violent and magically strange types. Something about her just does not.. seem.. normal.

Let me know if you think she would fit.
Loren Topic Starter

Hallo :D She looks very interesting, and would actually be great for an old group of mine (Al Morel, an arabian-esque city, the "Jewel of the Desert". Sadly, it didn't last very long).

This roleplay is actually more directed at a modern or slightly vintage world, though, in the 21st or 20th century. From what I've read in her profile, Cat is more High Fantasy, right? How willing are you to adapt her the modern world? :)
Cathziel (played anonymously)

Loren wrote:
Hallo :D She looks very interesting, and would actually be great for an old group of mine (Al Morel, an arabian-esque city, the "Jewel of the Desert". Sadly, it didn't last very long).

This roleplay is actually more directed at a modern or slightly vintage world, though, in the 21st or 20th century. From what I've read in her profile, Cat is more High Fantasy, right? How willing are you to adapt her the modern world? :)

High fantasy is where she is birthed, but she could be adapted to a modern setting quite easily if it is a setting that involves magic or supernatural dealings. (I.e werewolves, demons or vampires, magical rituals etc) which I feel is what you're going for?
Loren Topic Starter

Well then, welcome to the Connossieur! XD I've set up a thread in the rp discussion forums. I'll probably actually start up the roleplay today, in a few hours, if KaigedKat and and Katia don't answer by then. The posting order is there, too :P

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