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Forums » RP Discussion » One Hell of an Evening Discussion Thread



Bam. It's here. The discussion thread.


Character list and Posting Order:

Played by Loren:
-Mrs. Polemos

Played by Quintessense:

-Rosemary Glass
-Isolde Avery

Played by Sketch:

-Niche Characters (Roxxie)
-The Willow Family

Played by Novalyyn:

-Loki Nightblade

Played by JessyBel


Played by Katia:

-Ukichi or Valeana.

Played by KagedKat:



Hereth be the roleplay link.
Aright. Is that the posting order as well?
Loren Topic Starter

Not exactly. Give me a moment.
Loren Topic Starter

There, all done. :P I'm fine with changing the order and all that, though, if you want.
Oh no I wasn't saying you had to change it XDI was just wondering
Loren Topic Starter

Well, I actually just posted the character list, leaving the anon characters at the bottom. But then I merged it with the posting order, so yeah. It's a bit less confusing now XD
Alright. That is a bit less confusing XD
Loren Topic Starter

Let us wait for the others, then :)
Rosemary Glass (played anonymously)

Present. Looks good.
*chews on the thread*
Loren Topic Starter

(You know, it's really weird how there are so few relatively sinister drawings of restaurants in deviantart XD That man with the checkered shirt sure is creepy.)

Also, I put a "?" beneath KagedKat because I haven't found out what character she wants to use yet.
Isolde Avery (played anonymously)

*twiddles thumbs*
Loren Topic Starter


Um, if KagedKat doesn't say anything about her characters by tomorrow, I'll start up the thread. If we reach her in the posting order and she still hasn't told us about them, I guess we'll wait, or temporarily skip her :P.

There's also Katia, and Cathziel (Jessybell) showed interest. We'll see by tomorrow, I guess. XD
Loren Topic Starter

I'll definitively post in two hours' time :P Jessybel entered, by the way.
Rosemary Glass (played anonymously)

Maybe you should move Katia and KagedKat to the bottom of the posting order to give them more time to join in?
Loren Topic Starter

Yes, good idea. I'll change them back, though, after they post :P
Loren Topic Starter

Posted with Lanthe. I'll post with Mrs. Polemos now. (It'll be considerably shorter, though) I pity that waiter, with everyone he's going to meet that night XD
I wanna post so bad DX but it's not mee turn sadly
Loren Topic Starter

*cackles* Okay, finally finished posting with my characters.

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