Annora was walking next to her best friend with her graduation cap in hand. This awfull sheerfull day was finally over. But now she had to go home, which was even more awfull. Atleast she gratuated and got into NYU and a couple of other colleges who didn't really fit her, but she was gonna pick where she was gonna go based on where he bff was going.
"So, have you packed for the trip?" They were going to the hamptons, on vacation there but first she had to go through a horrible family reunion. Thank god she wasn't gonna be alone. Annora had begged all year to her best friends parents to let him go with her and in the end her charm one, not really. Her parents had talked with them and paid for the whole trip. This was one of those times that she was thankfull for her loaded peeps, the only time.
This summer wasn't gonna suck for once, all because her favorite person ever was coming too. All the years before, she had to miss him all summer and it really hurt her. "This is gonna be the best summer ever!!" She yelled. She was so excited, which was something that rarely happend.
"So, have you packed for the trip?" They were going to the hamptons, on vacation there but first she had to go through a horrible family reunion. Thank god she wasn't gonna be alone. Annora had begged all year to her best friends parents to let him go with her and in the end her charm one, not really. Her parents had talked with them and paid for the whole trip. This was one of those times that she was thankfull for her loaded peeps, the only time.
This summer wasn't gonna suck for once, all because her favorite person ever was coming too. All the years before, she had to miss him all summer and it really hurt her. "This is gonna be the best summer ever!!" She yelled. She was so excited, which was something that rarely happend.
"Yep..all packed..anyways you sure your family is sure with me going?" He looked at Annora and smiled at her. "Mind if I walk you home Annora?" he walked with her, just before picking her up for the graduation photo, "This'll be sucky wont it?..Oh also! Please tell me, that a least a few girls will be there?" He chuckled joking with Annora.
Riley had liked Annora for a while but never to a point where he wanted to ask her out.
Riley had liked Annora for a while but never to a point where he wanted to ask her out.
"Ofcourse they are fine with you going. You are the son they never had and the kid they wish they had." She said while waving her arms to emphasize the drama behind it. "And ofcourse I don't mind! This won't be sucky! I already asked my parents and they will let me have the guest house so you and I don't have to be around my crazy up tight family all the time. We just have to eat diner in the house. There is tons to do there!" Now she raised her eyebrows in excitement.
"And don't worry. A ton of my brainless cousins will be there, all blond and pretty. Just like you like them." She shook her head and arched an eyebrow. Quickly she stuck out her tongue at him, teasingly. "And a lot of my family's friends will be there, ofcourse with children. It'll be crowded so I'm greatfull we have the guest house." She rolled up the sleeves of her big comfy moustache sweather.
"And don't worry. A ton of my brainless cousins will be there, all blond and pretty. Just like you like them." She shook her head and arched an eyebrow. Quickly she stuck out her tongue at him, teasingly. "And a lot of my family's friends will be there, ofcourse with children. It'll be crowded so I'm greatfull we have the guest house." She rolled up the sleeves of her big comfy moustache sweather.
"Alright..and we'd be sharing the guest house..? Alone..?" He sounded nervous "And you know those bleach blondes are all whores and offense" He smiled and chuckled at Annora. "And your parents think of me their son they don't have? That is certainly nice to know.." He looked down and then looked and smiled fo another photo.
Riley was getting annoyed with the damn photos.."I am positive that I will go blind within 24 hours..damn cameras" He wiped his eyes and then finally it was time for the ending.."Well its been a damn good year.." he threw his hat in the air and screamed "FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOM!"
Riley was getting annoyed with the damn photos.."I am positive that I will go blind within 24 hours..damn cameras" He wiped his eyes and then finally it was time for the ending.."Well its been a damn good year.." he threw his hat in the air and screamed "FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOM!"
Annora didn't bother smiling for all the pictures, just a few so her parents wouldn't nag her. "Yes, a-lone." She said confused. "Why? Is that a problem?" When the last picture was taken she put her arm on her side and gave her sweetest most sincere smile.
"I said they were brainless, they might be whores, I wouldn't know since I never spend anytime with them." A quick shrug followed by a look at the others around her. She took a quick last look at the other kids and thought of the last year. While a bit distracted by her thoughts she continued. "And yes, I mean, we have been friends since we were in diapers. I think that sometimes they forget that you aren't their son."
When all of the caps were thrown in the air, Annora couldn't help but smile. Even though she didn't yell out or jumped around, she was happy and the smile on her face was sincere. This school and the school years she had gone through were pretty awesome. Some years were better then others and she wasn't gonna lie, it had been pretty hard. But her bestfriend had been a big part in her liking school.
Before going home she pulled Riley closer and put her arms around his neck. "Let's embrace the cliche and take a selfie!" Her Iphone was already on frontcamera and raised in the air. While hugging him tightly, she took a couple of pictures. Her smile was big and white, her teeth were showing. Which only happend when she was taking pictures with her best friend and when she really wanted to caption a memory.
"I said they were brainless, they might be whores, I wouldn't know since I never spend anytime with them." A quick shrug followed by a look at the others around her. She took a quick last look at the other kids and thought of the last year. While a bit distracted by her thoughts she continued. "And yes, I mean, we have been friends since we were in diapers. I think that sometimes they forget that you aren't their son."
When all of the caps were thrown in the air, Annora couldn't help but smile. Even though she didn't yell out or jumped around, she was happy and the smile on her face was sincere. This school and the school years she had gone through were pretty awesome. Some years were better then others and she wasn't gonna lie, it had been pretty hard. But her bestfriend had been a big part in her liking school.
Before going home she pulled Riley closer and put her arms around his neck. "Let's embrace the cliche and take a selfie!" Her Iphone was already on frontcamera and raised in the air. While hugging him tightly, she took a couple of pictures. Her smile was big and white, her teeth were showing. Which only happend when she was taking pictures with her best friend and when she really wanted to caption a memory.
He almost blushed when she did that, but he smiled as big as he could..then he thought of an idea, right after the photos were taken he screamed "Hey Kason!" Kason turned and started to walk towards him, Kason got close enough for Riley to throw him his phone, "Take a few photos will you?" He picked up and put Annora on his shoulders, then fkr the second and last he just held on to Annora and smiled. "Anyway no it won't be problem just never really shared a place with a girl..only spent one night with you"
After the end of the ceremony. "See ya tomorrow Annora" He started to walk home, not riding home with his parents. Riley was happy about graduating and all but what was in life for him now.
After the end of the ceremony. "See ya tomorrow Annora" He started to walk home, not riding home with his parents. Riley was happy about graduating and all but what was in life for him now.
When Riley threw her on his shoulders she screamed for a bit. But then she threw a rock n roll sign in the air with her fingers and stuck out her tongue. "HELL YEAH!" After getting down she punched Riley in the arm, playfully ofcourse. "Oh come on. Don't tell me you are afraid of me,are ya?" Her eyes got tingly and she grinned at him. "Don't worry, you'll have your own bed."
Before leaving on her vespa, she gave Riley a big kiss on the cheek. "Bye nerd! Love ya, ya big goof. Don't forget! 8 o clock we leave with the car to the helicopter." Then she ran of and put on her black helmet with a skull on it and drove off home.
Before leaving on her vespa, she gave Riley a big kiss on the cheek. "Bye nerd! Love ya, ya big goof. Don't forget! 8 o clock we leave with the car to the helicopter." Then she ran of and put on her black helmet with a skull on it and drove off home.
We gonna skip to the morning where they are in the car?)
Riley had jumped over the fence with his duffle bag, "Ready." he smiled, his hair still wet from the shower he forgot to dry his hair, so it looked darker than usual.. He walked up to the door of Annora's house. He was really happy to spend the whole summer with her and was just plain out happy to get away from his brothers
"Thank god you are here. The oldies have been nagging me non stop since this morning." She wispered while giving him a big hug. The oldies were her parents, she loved them to death but she couldn't help but be annoyed by their constant need to change her or give her money. Well her mother was the one trying to make a proper lady out of her and her father kept giving her money for whatever he thought was cool at that moment. She wasn't one to take money, which she proved by having a job through out the whole year, but her father insisted so she just took it and saved it so she could give it to charity at the end of the year.
Her parents were pretty cool people, loaded but thank god pretty cool. Although they had their faults, they were still parents after all. Annora was glad to have them. "Come on, we are going to the car." She said and pulled Riley with her. After jumping in, she got settled in the big white SUV.
Her parents were pretty cool people, loaded but thank god pretty cool. Although they had their faults, they were still parents after all. Annora was glad to have them. "Come on, we are going to the car." She said and pulled Riley with her. After jumping in, she got settled in the big white SUV.
Riley smiled and followed behind her, he put his bag in the back along with Annora's because she left it at the door. He got in and sat beside her, in silence she couldn't of been any prettier than she was now. Riley sat there starring at the floorboard in silence then, "Anyway what you wanna talk about..?"
"Hmm, I don't know. How about we talk about all the hearts you'll break this summer. huh, huh?" She poked him with her elbow and gave him a teasing smile. "We really need to get you a girlfriend. How long has it been since you dated?" She asked with a frown. "I mean, its not because I'll die an old spinster that you should stay single."
"Well..I was 10 in 5th grade..and..that was 8 years ago?" He chuckled and smiled at her, punching her shoulder playfully "Know what you really need?.. A boyfriend, and then college all the pregnant people will be there.." He chuckled some more. "Well this'll be an amazing summer."
"Please, I don't need a boyfriend. First of all, I'm to much of a rebel and second, no guy I know besides you could handle this amount of crazy wrapped in awesomeness." Her hands went over body as she said that. "And getting pregnant is not part of my 5 year plan."
"Anyway, you haven't dated since..euhm what was her name again? But I guess we don't need a partner this summer, we can just have fun and experiment." She winked and made a 'rawr' sound. "And this summer will be amazing, the summer starts right after my stupid family reunion."
Annora grabbed Rileys hand and squeezed it. "I'm so happy that you are coming with me!" She jumped up and hugged him really tight. "This is gonna be awesome! And when we go to college, it'll be even more awesome!"
"Anyway, you haven't dated since..euhm what was her name again? But I guess we don't need a partner this summer, we can just have fun and experiment." She winked and made a 'rawr' sound. "And this summer will be amazing, the summer starts right after my stupid family reunion."
Annora grabbed Rileys hand and squeezed it. "I'm so happy that you are coming with me!" She jumped up and hugged him really tight. "This is gonna be awesome! And when we go to college, it'll be even more awesome!"
He hugged her back. "I wonder if they'll let boys and girls room together..and you are right I am the ONLY BOY that could handle your are like chicken wrapped in bacon..soo amazing" He smiled at her "And hey if you hear noises in my room, its me screaming over my money I lost gambling on my phone" He laughed
"Hmmm, I think it depends. But I'm sure my dad can pull some strings." She said winking at him. "And hell yeah I'm chicken wrapped in bacon. You know it!" She threw her arms in the air and made a whoew sound. "Euhm, if I hear you screaming, I'd hope it wont be from gambling. If you know what I mean." Her smile became a grinn and her eyes glicened.
Her mom and dad finally got in the car and turned to the back seat. "Everybody got everything? Riley are you ready to meet the family?" Her mom said with a big white smile. "I'm sure they'll love you. We are so happy that you are coming too. Maybe you can convince Nora to take of her black make up and piercings for a nice white sundress?" There it was. Her mom now tried to get to Annora through Riley. "Mom, please don't bug this sweet boy about this. You know I'll never take these off, not as long as you are annoyed by them." When saying sweet boy, she pinched Rileys cheek.
The car started driving towards the helicopted, which was about 2 hours away. Annora had put on a movie but was so tired that she fell asleep on Rileys shoulder.
(Should we continue after they already landed? You can still post about the car scene tho!)
Her mom and dad finally got in the car and turned to the back seat. "Everybody got everything? Riley are you ready to meet the family?" Her mom said with a big white smile. "I'm sure they'll love you. We are so happy that you are coming too. Maybe you can convince Nora to take of her black make up and piercings for a nice white sundress?" There it was. Her mom now tried to get to Annora through Riley. "Mom, please don't bug this sweet boy about this. You know I'll never take these off, not as long as you are annoyed by them." When saying sweet boy, she pinched Rileys cheek.
The car started driving towards the helicopted, which was about 2 hours away. Annora had put on a movie but was so tired that she fell asleep on Rileys shoulder.
(Should we continue after they already landed? You can still post about the car scene tho!)
Riley countered Annora's mom with "Ma'am..I am not a fashion guy..but I think what Annora is wearing is pretty cute..better than a white sundress." He looked at Annora as she pinched his cheek, he smiled at her then looked down scared of what he had said to Annora's mom, Riley whispered "I'll wake you up when we get there" He wrapped his arm around her, but was very nervous doing so.
(After they landed I suppose)
After the car got to the place where the helicopter was, they got in for a 2 hour helicopter flight. 2 Hours later they got to the mansion in the Hamptons. When she told Riley it was big, she really meant big. It had a lot of rooms and bathrooms but most of the family was gonna stay in one of their own summer houses. The bedrooms were for the family friends and their sons.
Annora woke up to a very gentle Riley waking her up. After climbing out of the helicopter, Annora took Riley to the guest house so they could settle down and freshen up for the reunion. "Hold on Riley." She said from the other room. "I'm just gonna put something else on." Her mom had put a sundress on her bed for her to wear and Annora shook her head and rolled her eyes. It wasn't that Annora didn't dress feminine, it was all very fashionable and not lady-like as her cousins. She didn't like blazers and blouses or stiff dresses. She liked to define her own style and wear whatever she liked. Sometimes it was gothic, sometimes urban. It depended on her mood. Ofcourse, she knew that if she came to the party in jeans and a big sweater her mom would kill her. She made sure her outfit was appropriate, although she gave it a touch of her self by adding chunky boots. Her hair she put up in a high messy bun.
She walked back in the room and looked at Riley. "Are you ready to meet my family? Do you need an aspirin?"
Annora woke up to a very gentle Riley waking her up. After climbing out of the helicopter, Annora took Riley to the guest house so they could settle down and freshen up for the reunion. "Hold on Riley." She said from the other room. "I'm just gonna put something else on." Her mom had put a sundress on her bed for her to wear and Annora shook her head and rolled her eyes. It wasn't that Annora didn't dress feminine, it was all very fashionable and not lady-like as her cousins. She didn't like blazers and blouses or stiff dresses. She liked to define her own style and wear whatever she liked. Sometimes it was gothic, sometimes urban. It depended on her mood. Ofcourse, she knew that if she came to the party in jeans and a big sweater her mom would kill her. She made sure her outfit was appropriate, although she gave it a touch of her self by adding chunky boots. Her hair she put up in a high messy bun.
She walked back in the room and looked at Riley. "Are you ready to meet my family? Do you need an aspirin?"
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