"Its not a pill..its what is hidden in the pills..but that doesn't matter anymore so its useless." Whatever he had hidden he had spent more than enough money on it making sure it was good.
"Will you just tell me? I'm sick and tired of secrets." Nothing was going like she wanted them to go and she started to get tipsy so her anger would only get worse. "Can you please get to the point so i can enjoy my buzz?"
"Well, its..drugs.." He looked at her..he was ashamed he admitted to using drugs. "Anyway..its nothing I only use them when..I absolutely need them." He looked around and then he thought if he should leave or not. "So..you've got a few days before you are a married woman" He didn't like to say that..he wouldn't ever think she'd be married
(There ya go)
"What?" She was shocked "What the hell are you talking about? Why would you do something so stupid?" She pushed him of the bed. She couldn't believe what she heard.
"I stopped using them along time ago..I only keep them because of certains reasons.." He stood up and looked at Annora ashamed of himself he started to leave the room and head back into his room. "Ugh..I knew I shouldn't have come..it was stupid of me to even think.." He started to finish packing and then he uncovered the gift he had got her the day before they left
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