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Forums » Introductions » Unique Character Roleplay

Hi I am Nick, nice to meet you all. I've recently been getting back into rp, only going on about 4years of experience in it but oh do i love to delve. I like to make unique characters that aren't often seen. Some might seem a bit cliche, but i loves them. Still working on Nutti, but not to long ago I came up with Angeion and now I'm on a roll. Give my characters a look and lemme know if you like what you see and are interested on building an online friendship! Roleplaye is highly nescessary, derp.

P.s. Sorry it's so short, pretty uninterested in typing this, get to know me more personally!";
Darth_Angelus Moderator

All introductions are interesting because it means someone new has joined the community!

Welcome! :)
Nick Topic Starter

Thank you very much! Good to see active mods! I can feel rpr is gonna catch like wildfire with the wonderful layout and all.
Hey ya! *grins* welcome to rpr. I'm fairly certain I've seen Nutti pop into my dream before. I don't believe we rped together though :)
Kim Site Admin

Welcome to the site! What is going on in your profile picture? Are you being tortured by a balloon on your shoulder?

We are definitely a community that loves oddball characters, whether they be players that have intense rivalries with shoulder balloons or unique characters, so I suspect you will fit right in. :)

Let me know if you have questions or problems. I know people say this, but I'm 100% totally for serious. ;) We give awards to people who help make the site better by taking the time to write bug reports that help me fix something, or send suggestions for solving common problems that users run into.
Welcome to RPR. Yep. The mods and admin here are most definitely active. They may even get their hands dirty (Participate in RPs) themselves should their mod and administrative duties allow them the chance. How many other sites do you know of where the mods will not only say hi to you (Maybe), but also delve in smalltalk with the community at large? When they aren't busy holding secret bellydance shows or plotting another Sith uprising. But anyways. This guy has some journal entries to write and this shall get to writing. Man...up to 45 entries titled... Heh.
Aha! I have seen you before on Furcadia, I do think!

Welcome to the RPR! :D
:D Welcome!
I love unique characters! and the use of the term Derp!
Welcome to RPR, and I am always interested in unique designed characters :)

Welcome to the wonderful internet madhouse of varied characters that is RPR!
Hi Nutti! I haven't RPed with you before, but I saw you in a dream on Furcadia. I'm Anokhi Harika. :)
Welcome to RPR! It's really great to have you! :D

I definitely love the layout of this place. RPR is my preferred character website-making over Freewebs or anything like that. Nothing I tried worked as well as RPR has for me.
Nick Topic Starter

I'm bored someone roleplay wiff me. D:

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Unique Character Roleplay

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus