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Forums » Looking for RP » Anyone Interested in a Post-Apocalyptic (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

If this is going to be opened up to both furry AND human characters, myself and my roommate would totally be game!
We'd been looking for a place to play our characters Godsend and Rhyz :D


I've already been added to the staff roster, but my answer is clearly a resounding, "YES! Please!"
Oh man, yes pleaaseee.
Sketch444 wrote:
If the rp wouldn't be based in furcadia count me in.
The main point of this thread is to check interest in a map for Furcadia. That part is as important as to post-apocalyptic RP part. If you want just a post-apocalyptic RP here on RPR, you can always start one, or just keep your eyes open. They pop up periodically. :)

If it's any consolation, I miss out on some pretty cool stuff too for lack of joining Furcadia. Just doesn't quite seem like my thing. ^^; But tons of people here are also there, and many even prefer our exclusively play there.
Richard B Riddick (played by Michonne)

Time to create new characters!!!! Woo! :)
Brandon Topic Starter

We've all been waiting a while for this. The dream's been in a brief alpha/beta following our upload but as late as this Saturday and as early as tomorrow we're releasing our first final development version of the dream utilizing our new extended map size. With 450 x 450 space I can weave to my heart's content, and that will include player-based content like businesses in the safe zone. Since our dev team tends to add a lot of content per update, we've decided to do patchnotes for you guys every update that describes what's now in operation.

As for stuff you'll see in the future, we want to add more tunnel systems, improve and change our weather overlay graphics, and create a system for the overlays to be entirely optional. In the future we plan on implementing some cataclysmic type weather events that can be very annoying rampaging over your game screen if you're not keen on participating in them. We'll also be adding more environmental sounds for various areas like the tunnels, dens and various interiors.

We are also now available on the Furcadia group listing, where you can get a rad desctag. CLICK HERE

You can also `join Wasteland

PATCH NOTES: Wasteland v1.0

  • *ho
  • `join Wasteland (Bot now autosummons)
  • Pop up system for anonymous alerts
  • Cuff, lock, silence, and push commands for staff
  • Anti-trolling DS
  • New smart reload system to replace old
  • Lockable doors in Bordello

  • Prostitute Avatar
  • Upgraded Wolf

  • Map expanded to 450x450
  • Swamp Den
  • Eden Bordello
  • Extended Tunnels into Metro
  • Tunnels now have a more maze-like aspect

  • Tab is now operational
  • Fixed Butler
  • Fixed malfunctioning Geiger counter
  • Edited smiley selector and bookmark aesthetics

  • Welcomed Beaker
  • Welcomed SIIXV
  • Welcomed Sonya

  • Added Eden Bordello to Locations
  • Added swamp den to Locations
  • Updates to dream rules
  • Updates and expansions to lore

  • Group tag for descs created
  • Group chat tags added
  • Group profile made

Fenrir's Teeth

Barn Remnants

+ Creepy Carbon Scoring effects/Animated ghost shadows
+ New mud and dirt floors
+ Updated den interiors
+ Much more!

Also, I'd like to take this time to personally thank Valie, Nikki, Dylan, Jay, Jasmine, Dani, Cass, Cara, Sonya, Aaron, and everyone else who has been helping and supporting the team. It means a lot to us that you guys enjoy Wasteland so much and without y'all I probably never would have uploaded it as a beta RP dream, let alone a finished product. So again, thanks a lot, you guys are the best people on Earth.
I was like "Oh I could totally offer up doodles as a raffle prize to help!" then realized I'm too late. :( Hi, I'm Elle, and I'm always late to the party.
Brandon Topic Starter

Hi Elle, I'm Brandon and I'm a bad friend. I should have sent you something on Skype.

We'll have tons more stuff coming up. Want to grab Nelya and come play?

Totally up for joining in on this. Already got my imagination running a bit wild XD

Bring it on!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Anyone Interested in a Post-Apocalyptic (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus