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Forums » Introductions » H-Hi

Hi... I am Ruga. I am a RPer. (Duh!) I have been RPing for a long time. Even before I used the internet as a place for role-play. I am currently a RP'er on furcadia. I hope I meet some new friends here. <3 =3
Kim Site Admin

Hey Ruga! Where did you RP before the internet? Are you a D&Der? Some other tabletop? Notebooks passed around at school? Perhaps LARP?
Notebooks is the best way to roleplay EVAR.

Also, hello!
ruga650 Topic Starter

No. Me and a friend of mine did rl RPs in his backyard (and sometimes in his pool).
ruga650 Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
Hey Ruga! Where did you RP before the internet? Are you a D&Der? Some other tabletop? Notebooks passed around at school? Perhaps LARP?

No. I am not a D&Der. Or any other tabletop game. (never had) I am more of an online RP'er. And what is LARP?
Kim Site Admin

LARP is Live Action Role Play. Where you play the character out IRL.

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