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Forums » Looking for RP » (Stil looking) Mr and Mrs Smith rp. (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I'm looking to do a Mr and Mrs Smith like roleplay. It will be romantic but also contain alot of action and humor. I need someone to play the male and I need the male to be strong (Strong of mind and body). I would love a very hate/love kind of relationship (which makes for a hilarious Chemistry) Euhm yeah, if you know what I mean and want to join me. Let me know! :D

Ps: Atleast one paragraph responses needed.

I'm slightly interested. Can I play as a canon character?
IfYouMoustache Topic Starter

I would't mind aslong as we can put our own spin on the story. I was gonna use Janes character but give her a couple of character trades of my own. Is that okay with you?

Mate, at this point almost anything is fine with me lol :)
IfYouMoustache Topic Starter

hahaha awesome! Is it good if I make the forum in a group?

I'd much prefer PM roleplay.
IfYouMoustache Topic Starter

Well, I forget about pm roleplays pretty easily thats why I prefer group. Its private and you have the freedom for cursing and such.

Uuuum... Can you explain to me what you mean by "group" roleplays? I'm still kinda new here and I'm not to familiar with everything :P
IfYouMoustache Topic Starter

Oh like that! Well, it's a group where you can post forums and its more private then the forums in the 'Lookig for' or 'Fantasy rp'. Its not possible to enter unless the mod lets you in.

Okay, I like the sound of that. Will you be starting it?
IfYouMoustache Topic Starter

Yes, I'll set it up right now!
IfYouMoustache Topic Starter

Which Character are you going to use? I need to know so I can invite you.

I'll be using Deathstroke, seeing as he's basically mr Smith on steroids :P
IfYouMoustache Topic Starter

Oh okay. But you'll be playing canon right?


You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » (Stil looking) Mr and Mrs Smith rp. (closed)

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