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I have a lot of character catching dust and I wanna try them out so here they are.
Samantha Thursby (Steampunk character): She is a pilote for her fathers airplane/ Zepplin company. She had a very normal childhood. She was raised by her father since her mother died right after Sam was born.
Karlene Le Doux (Also steampunk): She is a evil mastermind. She was raised by her drunk mother and abusive father only to then be kicked out of the house. She started to steal and cheat people out of their money by gambling. She has no soul and loves to make peoples life miserable.
Nicki VIrgo (Cyberpunk): This girl is a geek at heart. With her quirky personality and interest for anything eletric, she is the loyal sidekick that you never thought you needed. You need something hacked?Don't worry, she's got it. You need something fixed, your laptop maybe? Or maybe your gadgets? Don't worry, she's got it.
Kira: As the daughter of Hades, lots of things are expected from you. But what if you don't feel like being evil and dark? What if you have nothing incommon with your father? Do you keep up the act or rebel against the man who raised you?
I have lots more characters so if you have an interesting plot in mind, just send me a private message and I can make a character that fits the plot.
Ps: I like people who can give me at least one paragraph per post (that containing atleast 4 sentences.) Thank you.
Samantha Thursby (Steampunk character): She is a pilote for her fathers airplane/ Zepplin company. She had a very normal childhood. She was raised by her father since her mother died right after Sam was born.
Karlene Le Doux (Also steampunk): She is a evil mastermind. She was raised by her drunk mother and abusive father only to then be kicked out of the house. She started to steal and cheat people out of their money by gambling. She has no soul and loves to make peoples life miserable.
Nicki VIrgo (Cyberpunk): This girl is a geek at heart. With her quirky personality and interest for anything eletric, she is the loyal sidekick that you never thought you needed. You need something hacked?Don't worry, she's got it. You need something fixed, your laptop maybe? Or maybe your gadgets? Don't worry, she's got it.
Kira: As the daughter of Hades, lots of things are expected from you. But what if you don't feel like being evil and dark? What if you have nothing incommon with your father? Do you keep up the act or rebel against the man who raised you?
I have lots more characters so if you have an interesting plot in mind, just send me a private message and I can make a character that fits the plot.
Ps: I like people who can give me at least one paragraph per post (that containing atleast 4 sentences.) Thank you.
I'd be interested in an rp. Uh, solong as you don't mind an alien robot in your steam punk I'd be willing to use Xeres with Karlene
I'm not so much into Aliens.. Also, if you mean cyberpunk, robots are fine but Steampunk is more old electronics and clocks and stuff. (I mix them up alot too)
I know the differences, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask 
Uh, for a steampunk orriented rp I could use Kara, but Kara comes specifically from a fairy-tale based background.

Uh, for a steampunk orriented rp I could use Kara, but Kara comes specifically from a fairy-tale based background.
Oh like that. Sorry! :p
And, I don't think she would fit with Karlene. I mean, her character and background is pretty specific. How would they come into each others world? Unless you have an Idea.
I do have an elf like character in my folders, if you wanna use her?
And, I don't think she would fit with Karlene. I mean, her character and background is pretty specific. How would they come into each others world? Unless you have an Idea.
I do have an elf like character in my folders, if you wanna use her?
Oh, I didn't say Kara had to be used with Karlene. Maybe she could be used with sam,and possibly Karlene? And I like the idea of her being brought into the world that Karlene and sam are from, if they're from the same world
Yeah both Sam and Karlene are from the same worl. I don't see Kara in my world. How would you do that?
Well her world is full of magic and such, so it wouldn't be a shock if someone had made dimension hopping spells.
Yeah, I don't really see the appeal. (I feel like such a bitch now
) but I don't like mixing surten worlds. If you know what I mean?

I don't really udnerstand what you're saying
I personally love cross overs and dimesnion hopping and such, but to each their own. Are any of my other characters interesting to you?

Well, I don't see how mixing those two. Let me see your characters real quick.
Actually, Kara seems cool and she might fit together with my character (elfish)
Okay so I've got
The Willow Family(Made ideally for a modern sci-fantasy setting, but they do have a sci-fi/cyberpunk version of the family)
Xeres, who could possibly work ina cyberpunk setting
Roxxie, ideally used in a modern fantasy
Abelith, made for a fantasy setting
my Niche characters(Too many on that profile to list
Parrot Elsen, made for cross oversandOFF rp's
Pezvhak, made for a fantasy setting(Modern or no)
Freak-Weed, whose made for a super hero rp's, but I think hcould beadapted to fit a cyber punk world
My Skyrim characters
My Wildstar characters
My Shattered Earth characters, if you don't mindanthros
I think I have a shattered earth character to fit plenty of genres
so yeah
'tis all of my characters for the moment.
The Willow Family(Made ideally for a modern sci-fantasy setting, but they do have a sci-fi/cyberpunk version of the family)
Xeres, who could possibly work ina cyberpunk setting
Roxxie, ideally used in a modern fantasy
Abelith, made for a fantasy setting
my Niche characters(Too many on that profile to list

Parrot Elsen, made for cross oversandOFF rp's
Pezvhak, made for a fantasy setting(Modern or no)
Freak-Weed, whose made for a super hero rp's, but I think hcould beadapted to fit a cyber punk world
My Skyrim characters
My Wildstar characters
My Shattered Earth characters, if you don't mindanthros

so yeah

You love fantasy and sci fi, don't you? :p I'm not really into sci fi or fantasy. So sorry!
Yes I do
but, like I said I do have a verion of the Willow family that couldeasily fit into a cyber punk rp.

Sure, my character is a sidekick. I was thinking about a superhero kind of league but Cyberpunk ish
Oh you're looking for super hero stuff? I could try freak-weed.
Yeah but like, eeuhm cyberpunk style. they don't have powers just kick ass toys and stuff :p
Oooooooh okay. Uh.... IDK about that then

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