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Forums » Looking for RP » Star Wrs rp (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Lately I've really gotten into Star Wars, and was wanting to do a Star Wars rp, and was wondering who'd be interested.

The plot would tke place during the clone wars, and would mainly be focused around three Jedi knights(and a Padawan) Withdrawing from the Jedi order and forming their own order of lightsaber weilding force userscalled the Quarem Court, and how the rest of the republic(And most likely separatists) would deal with this.
I'm game haha
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aright, well there's two people
Stray would be perfect for this and the padawan role
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Aright, would you be with or against the quarem court?
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need a sith lord?
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There's already two sith during the clone wars Era(Sidious and Dooku) and going by the rule of two there can't be more, and the rule of two was around during the clone wars. Though I certainly don't mind there being a dark sided force user.
Oh my dear good sir, there can be way more than two, in the movies they just didn't show any more than two. There can be hundreds. And plus they have a with academy so there can be more than just the standard two.
Sketch444 wrote:
Lately I've really gotten into Star Wars, and was wanting to do a Star Wars rp, and was wondering who'd be interested.

The plot would tke place during the clone wars, and would mainly be focused around three Jedi knights(and a Padawan) Withdrawing from the Jedi order and forming their own order of lightsaber weilding force userscalled the Quarem Court, and how the rest of the republic(And most likely separatists) would deal with this.
I have a jedi knight charater named Jaden he's perfect for this!
0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T Topic Starter

I know, but that was before Darth Bane introduced the rule of two, which says there can only be a sith master and an apprentice at any one time. Crud, Sidious himself quotes the rule when he goes to kill Savage and Maul during the clone wars tv show, and I think Maul quoted it to savage as well.

But I see no problem with a self-proclaimed sith lord.
Actually Sketch you're wrong the apprentice takes on another apprentice to kill the master then the apprentcie who killed the master would take on another apprenctice and the cycle would go on like that
Stray (played by Sweetyceltic)

* stays out of it and chews on his squeaky carrot while in his wolf form*

Stray is a Shi'ido (shapeshifter) who is only able to turn into a wolf
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The apprentice is supposed to take an apprentice after they kill their master. But I guess it's cool if he plays an apprentice to dooku.

Also celtic, I don't mind you having a shapeshifter(there is a race of shapeshifters afterall) but I'd prefer he not turn into a wolf. I don't think they exist in the star wars universe. But there are plenty of other critters that could fill the same niche as a wolf
Jaden (played by Vali99)

*twirls his lightsabers in both hands*
I'm ready for some action!
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If lord fantastic decides to be dookus apprentice I won't be accepting any more Sith characters. Dark side characters on the other hand are fine
Jaden (played by Vali99)

OOC: Jaden is willing to do thing the other Jedi aren't willing to do...To an extent but this makes him prone to the dark side. just throwing that out there.
0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T Topic Starter

That's fine, especially if he's in the quarter court
Jaden (played by Vali99)

OOC: He's gonna be quite reluctant to join them at first but soon realizes that to win this war sacrifices must be made.

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