Hello! This is my roleplay about Pirates
Hope you will enjoy! If you want to join, please PM Blu_Dino
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Without a crew to be in he walked the docs looking for potential ships to join.He was a pirate but look like a good sailor.He carried a sword and a pistol with him at all times.His last captain he was working for got caught by the navy.He would want a smart captain this time someone who wouldn't want to stop at a store ti bu a parrot to be a "real" pirate captain.
Elly got out of her cabin. She stretched and looked around on her ship. ''Aahhh! What a nice morning.''
He walked up to the first ship he saw.He saw a women wlking around nd his asked ¨Aye,is your captian round?¨
''Aye, sailor, i am the captain. What are you wanting from me?'' Elly putted her hands on her dual swords just in case something happened.
An arrow wizzed past the pirates heads. ,"Ahh nice to meet ye nice pirates on this dock, I am lady Jane. Dont let the first part fool you i can fight just as well as any human can," Jane said. and she jumped down from the vandors cart half way down the street.
Elly's pointy ears pointed down. ''Elly Fuyu Kaizoku.. I am The Captain of this Ship, The Eisbär. Ya sailors want to join the crew?'' Said Elly while cuddling her baby polarbear pet.
Loki watch the vocal exchange from a distance. and with ears of the wolfs she can hear wat they were say and the arrow. Loki never like being out in the open as many humans hate her kind. But join this crew has somehow caught her eyes. Mayve there will be money, she thought. If anyone was looking at her one second and blinked the next they would say the she just dissapeared.
Elly walked down her ship with Eis her baby polar bear pet. She started walking on the pond in direction of Loki. ''Are you playin' hide 'n' seek, sailor?''
Loki sat in a tree with her leg crossed and her paws behind her head," i heard you coming. I had to hide from human eyes." loki said. She saw an apple and picked it off the tree. Sniffed it and took a bite. "Who's the elf," She said as she took another bite.
Jane walked over to them. "oh dear, look like we need some flea repellant on the trip." Jane sid with a nasty smile on her face. " You might need it."
Elly looked a little fustrated. ''It's Lady Jane..'' Elly's pointy ears started moving. ''It didn't come to your mind that i am (half) elf too?'' ''Anyways.. i want you on my crew, youre sneaky. If you want to join, youre welcome..'' Elly walked away with Eis next to her.
Loki jumped down and followed elly. ," i wasnt stating you i was talk about Lady Jane."
''I know'' Yelled back Elly while walking back on the ship. ''If you want to join the crew, come on this ship now.''
loki ran to the ship and up the main mast to the crows nest. " i think i belong up here i can see way better then anyone else on the ship."
''That's good, welcome to the crew, sailor. Tell me, what's ya name?'' Elly asked standing on the ship with Eis.
Jane walked on board with her nose to the air. "elly, you part elf and fox right," she said with politeness in her voice.
Elly laughed ''Not really.. I am Half Elf Half Human.. and somehow i got a fox tail. Maybe i have some fox blood.'' Elly laughed and waited for Zayne to come on the ship. ''What is he doing?''
Loki sat back with her legs up and lean on the mast. "Names Loki, thats all anyone needs at this time. I think" she said. looking up to the sky. She niffed the air."We better head out now, We have a storm coming." Even without any clouds in the sky Loki knew that there was going to be a storm.
''That's another good reason to not go on the sea now..'' ''I suggest we go to the tavern to celebrate the new crew and go on sea tomorow.'' Said Elly thinking about a sweet beer.
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