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Falderan (played by Dreath)

"This is the captain of the Unova heart. We will be arriving in Slateport city harbor shortly. We hope you have enjoyed your trip." The speakers gave the final introduction to the ships voyage. A average height man in his late teens grabbed a black shoulder bag off a bed and put it over his shoulder. He wore dark grey cloak with a silver outline around the base. He has piercing blue eyes and jet black hair. The cloak covers his whole body down to his feet which on his feet are some smooth custom made black leather shoes. Walking out over to the railing over the ship he looked over the beautiful blue water and the large port city in front of him. A flock of Wingull fly by seeming to greet the ship.

A few minutes later the ship arrives at the port. Fal get's off the boat and proceeds to head directly to the pokemon center. Inside the large pokemon center he went over to a row of seats and sat down. Pulling out some form of devise he pressed a button activating it. The device had a screen which had a map. The map zoomed down seeming to home in on the device. "Mauville city is the closest gym town. Then I shall head there." He says as he walks up to nurse joy. "Excuse me. I wish to register for the Hoenn pokemon league." "Yes sir. I will just need to scan your pokedex." She pulls our a small hand held device and scanned my pokedex. "Ok so your name is registered as Fal from the Sinnoh region?" "Yes Ma'am." She went below the counter and pulled out a badge case. "Your pokedex is registered and will act as your ID for the league. This badge case will hold the regions badges. Good luck." She says bowing. "Thank you." Fal says walking back to his seat with a smile.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697)

"Hey"! *walks up to Falderan* "Are you familiar with the hoenn region? I've just arrived from unova. My name is seren and I wish to conquer the hoenn region's hoenn league next. Do you know where the first town or more specific gym is"?
Nick stepped off the boat into the harbor, taking in the sights and sounds of the new region.

"Finally, the Hoenn region!" Nick exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice. "I'm glad I was able to make it in time for the next Hoenn League, I have a feeling it's going to take a while to take down all of the gyms, I hope I can do it before the actual tournament starts. (I'm just assuming it's like the Anime since you have to register and such)" Nick then walked into town, he had been into countless cities and towns just like this Slateport, but each one of them had their own feel to it, no matter how many crowds or buildings or Pokemon Centers he saw, each town felt like they had something unique to offer.

"Well, first things first, I better register before I forget." He said and then made his way to the Pokemon Center. He entered through the automatic doors and walked up to the front desk. "Um, excuse me, yeah, uh, I'm here to register for the Hoenn League..." He said, no matter how many times he did this it was still somewhat awkward.

"Ah, yes of course, if you'd please hand me your Pokedex sir." the Nurse Joy replied with outstretched hands. Nick complied and handed the woman his Pokedex, which she quickly scanned and handed back to him with a confirmation of his registration. "There, you're all set to enter the Hoenn League, here, take this to hold you're badges."

"Alright, thanks." Nick replied with gratitude as he took his Pokedex and Badge Case. "Hey, do you know where the closest gym is?"

"The closest gym from here is in Mauville City, just north of here."

"Got it, thanks!" With that, he rushed out the door, passing two other trainers who seemed to be having a conversation.
The Willow Family (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Jake walked off the baot, flipping around through his pokedex. He had gotten a fnacy holster set up to hold his pokedex on his jacket sleeve. He looked around the city, hoping to find some decent locations for some ghost hunting. He contemplated going and registering for the pokemon leagure, but decided against it. He'd rather just do his own thing. And he wasn't big on competitions. He glanced around spotting Nick leaving the pokemon center and approached him. "Hey, do you know about any haunted locations in this region?"Jake asked.
Ramsey York (played by RoyaleX318)

Athens strummed on his ukelele as the boat pulled into the harbor, he has been here doing some sight seeing, his Cacturne lay asleep next to him. He had lived in this region all his life, and had even been a trained to be a gym leader once. But that just wasn't the life for him. Around his neck swong a green orb, Rayquazaite... It was his life dream to find the legendary defender or their world and catch him for himself. "Cacturne, what kind of day do you think it will be?" The pokemon slumped over still asleep, "yeah I disagree, i think today will somehow show us a door to our dream." Ride the Mystic green back, become one with Rayquaza... Athens wasn't about the whole, getting badges or sudo-awarded ribbons from contests, he was all about the bond, and for him. Bonding with Rayquaza was his destiny.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"We must of been on the same ship Seren." Fal held out his hand to shake. "Mauville city is the next city and closest gym. I am heading there myself. Have you registered for the league?" Fal stood up next to the new trainer. "I am rather failure with the Hoenn region despite the fact I have never been here." He seemed to toy with the pendent he kept around his neck. "So where in Unova are you from?" He asks starting to walk towards the nurse behind the counter.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697)

Seren walks with Falderan. "Its nice to meet you. I'm from nuvema town which is also where I was born. I actually never won the unova league due to my own issues. It seems that I just might have some competition entering the hoenn league. Also I know this might be a personal question but what it that pendant necklace your wearing? That symbol looks very familiar. I knew I've seen it somewhere before."
"Haunted locations?" Nick wondered quizzically at the strange request. He looked at the person before him, he certainly seemed like someone who would be interested in the supernatural, judging by his appearance. "Uh, sorry, I'm not actually from around here, fresh off the boat in fact." Nick replied. "I'm from the Johto region, I just came here to enter the Hoenn League, so I wouldn't really... oh wait!" He had just remembered something, he had been reading a guide book of the Hoenn region that was on the boat, and remembered it said something...

"I did hear of this one place, apparently there are rumors of a "Haunted Mansion" around here, on Route 119 I think it was, and... hold on." Nick pulled out his trusty Pokegear and pulled up the map of Hoenn he had downloaded. "Hmm, yeah, it looks like Route 119 is just passed Mauville City. I'm actually headed there right now for my first gym battle, want to come with?" He offered, he could use some company.
The Willow Family (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Yeah that works out I guess."Jake said. What Pokemon do you have on you?"Jake asked.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal put it back under his cloak and left it smirking calmly. "It is a key stone. I got it from the Sinnoh champion Cynthia after I beat her." As they walk he reaches to his waist. "If you want I can show you with a battle. Once you have registered of course." Fal had a confident and calm tone to his voice.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697)

" Ah well you've beat the champion of sinnoh. We'll then be ready because I'm not holding back! Let's do a 3 on 3 battle. No ref and no holding back!" Seren gave fal a wolvish grin of determination. "Let's go over to the ships battlefield and get this started. I'm really looking forward to looking at that pendent." Seren leads fal over to the battle stadium on the ship after registering of course. He pulls out a Pokemon. "Alright let's win this I choose you charizard!." Seren forcefully throws out a standard poke all and in a flash of white light a larger than average charizard burst onto the battlefield. Charizard gives out a battlecy that shakes the battlefield. "Alright choose your Pokemon and let's get this battle started!" Seren has a vigorous tone of confidence in him.
"Wanna see?" Nick replied with a smile. He took out all of his Pokeballs and threw them into the air. "Come on out everyone!" The balls opened and the Pokemon popped out, exclaiming their names one after another. His team consisted of a Raichu, an Infernape, a Shiny Gliscor, a Gengar, a Crobat, and finally, a Tyranitar. They all looked to be in well condition, it was obvious Nick took really good care of them.

"This here's the team that I used in the Semifinals of the Sinnoh League, the farthest I've ever gotten in a League so far. I do hope to catch some new Pokemon here too, who knows what my team is gonna look like once I finally get to the tournament, I mean, if I get to the tournament." Nick introduced humbly, his Pokemon assuring him that they will with grunts and looks of determination. "Everyone, this guy will be traveling with us for a while, he... oh come to think of it, I didn't catch your name."
The Willow Family (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"I'm Jake."Jake introduced. He soon took out his pokeballs and elt out his team consisting of a Noivern, a Sceptile, a Greninja, a Tyrantrum, an Elektross, and a Trevenant. "Sowhen exactly are we heading out?"Jake asked.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Well a Charizard. You don't start off easy. Then neither will I." Fal gets a confident smirk as he pulls a pokeball off his waist and throws it into the air. "Drapion come on out." With a bright flash the large purple scorpion was their in front of them. "Drap!" It let out a mighty roar stretching out it's arms and showing it's claws on it's arms and tail snapping them. "Now then. Start things off with toxic." Hearing the command from his trainer Drapion with rapid movement slammed it's claws into the ground and a large purple circle appeared below charizard. As it glowed for a second a light purple liquid sprayed up onto the dragon.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697)

"Trying to poison me from the start eh? Your a smart battler but I'm not going down that easy! Charizard use dragon claw and fire fang!" Charizard flies up to draping amd slashes him and also bites him with his flaming fangs in a repeated succession. "Now use flamethrower and finish him off!" Charizard grabs draping tail and then throws him into the air. Afterwards he shoots a large flame from hiw maw burning drapion and cloaking him in fire. "As you can see my charizard is no joke. He's my panther and friend. Let's finish this battle charizard." Charizard grunts in affirmation and then roars to taunt his opponent. "Let's see just how good you are fal." You fight smart and I can respect that but I fight with force. Let's let this be a great first battle!
Ramsey York (played by RoyaleX318)

Athens watched from a distance as the trainers from the boat tossed out their pokemon. "So these boys are nothing to be fooling around with are they?" He watched as a battle began on the boat and a friendship blossomed on the pier. He touched his Rayquazaite around his neck and stood up, "return you lazy ass." He smiled at Cacturne as he held up a great ball. The pokemon smiled at the sarcastic friendship him and his trainer had created together. A red glow incased Cacturne and he vanished.Athens put the great ball away and began to walk off towards the next town. He would be interested to see what kind of trainers these guys were against a Hoenn Gym leader.

((My character will be in more of the background for now, Cyborgninja will keep me in the loop as far as what's going on in the story but you guys go ahead and skip me for a while. See you cool cats soon...)
"Right now, you caught me on my way out." Nick said as he was returning his Pokemon to their Pokeballs. "Come on, grab your Pokemon and we can get going." The two walked to the boarder of the city and entered Route 101. Nick pulled out his Pokegear and took a look at the map.

"Yep, it's a strait shot from here to Mauville City, we'll stop there so I can challenge the gym and then we can head to that Mansion on Route 119." He stated. He closed the device and lead the way down the path. "So Jake, I told you where I'm from, where are you from?"
The Willow Family (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"I'm from Kalos."Jake said, having let his Noivern wander outside its pokeball. I lived out in Laverre city and usually hung out in the forest around it looking for ghosts."Jake replied
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

The dragon claw and fire fangs hit but Drapion was a very durable pokemon. Being able to endure these physical blows the mighty poison type was thrown into the air. With Charizards flamethrower coming for him Drapion curled into a ball to take the hit. With arms crossed and tail out in front of him the flamethrower was split hitting his sides but his main body was safe. As the flames stopped Drapion was very high into the air. The toxic had warn Charizard down quiet a bit making him weak enough and after his barrage of attacks he would need a second to take a breath and recover. "Drapion use the fall. hit him with a thunder fang." Drapions jaws began to spark and glow yellow as electricity flowed through them. "Use the spin. Grab him with your tail and bite his neck." As he fell Drapion curled into the ball again. Spinning rapidly his tail claw grabbed onto Charizards shoulder and with the final spin slammed him into the ground. With the momentum of his body coming down Drapion bit down hard on Charizards neck. With a roar the thunder fang exploded. Moving back Drapion panted a bit and stood straight and proud. That attack would have dealt devastating damage and with the poison Charizard would have little strength left if any. "Drapion return." With this Drapion returned to his pokeball. "That was a brutal offensive but Drapion is very durable and lethally accurate with his attacks. Now I will give you the advantage this round. Go Roserade." With this the green flower pokemon was on the battle field. She stood confident with her red flower out front aimed at Seren.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697)

"You are impressive foe. But I'm not going fall that easy. Charizard return" and with a flash of red light Charizard is returned to his pokéball. "Alright I choose you heracross!" Seren pulls out another pokéball and throws it hard into the air. And in a flash of light a large Beatle stands before roserade. "Alright heracross brick break!" With that herracross chops roserade with its claws in a repeated succession. "Now use megahorn!" Heracross grabs roserade and hangs it by its hands and rams its horn into it. Then it tosses roserade away. "Its buy over yet! Now pin missle!" Heracross then sends a volly of missile projectiles that envelope roserade I'm a violent storm of explosions. "Great job heracross!" Seren commands his heracross with pride and just. He looks at fal with confident and competitive look.

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