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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Feared no longer

Fear Flyer (played by Kyra45)

A whirring of gears sounds from the giant craft parked outside a space station. Parked there eons ago after losing a fight, loose wires dangled from its metallic armor. In 2001, it had been revered as the feared spacecraft, shooting down enemies with its various array of weaponry. Now it rested solemnly on earth, bounded to the old building it was forcibly parked at once it was deemed useless. Many passed it without care. The whirring of gears eventually fell silent. The craft moves a red colored camera a bit, looking at those who walked past its parking spot. Seeing if anyone was examining it. It was leaned down a bit, rusted over, landing gear the cause of the leaning.

[While this character looks dragon-like, it's actually a sentient robotic aircraft-sized being. Anyone can join, as I hopefully can start up something here..And hopefully this is fit for this board. If not, I tried my best. x3;]";
Anora Rayburn (played by SteamPower_Birb)

Anora crosses the parking lot of the building towards the large run down craft, parts of her own armored body blackened and scarred with parts torn away from a recent battle. She was thankful she had stumbled across this thing. She is roughly half way there when a large amount sparks fly from her right shoulder where a large section of the armor was ripped away.
She yelp as quickens her pace, speaking to herself as she does "This dilapidated thing better some parts...I need to patch myself up". She arrives and starts to look for a way in when the shoulder sparks again and she tumbles back against a rusted landing gear and stays there.
Fear Flyer (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''Grrz!'' The craft spoke from a shorted out vocal system. ''I am not a 'thing'. I was once feared.'' It hisesed. The landing gear groans, rust trinkling down from it. The gear was beyond use, too old. A green camera peers down at Anora curiously.
Anora Rayburn (played by SteamPower_Birb)

Anora looks up at the camera with a curious look "Your a AI...Interesting. I didn't know something as old this...or you technically had AI" She knocks on the rusted landing gear behind her then her damaged shoulder where only the last two letters of her designation was left, the rest ripped away with part of her shoulder armor "I'm AI-III, Names Anora. Seems we are both in pretty bad shape." with a sigh she knocks on the gear again "How long have you been here? Never seen anything like you."
Fear Flyer (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''I am the Fear Flyer. I fought many wars, feared for my flying skills. But upon crashing to this dreaded land, I was bounded here by age. They left me. Said I was useless. Now no one even remembers me. Such a shame. I am very old, but so rusted I can't budge, aside from my eyes.'' It replied. The gear groans again, and a whirring of gears sound from the FF.
Anora Rayburn (played by SteamPower_Birb)

Anora nods thoughtfully "I can understand what you mean, you want to be remembered." Her shoulder gives off a shower of sparks. She stands up fully and touches her chest "Is there a way inside of you? I need to make repairs internally as well as what you see. My core is starting to power down, I need to patch it soon." she looks at the camera it called a eye with a grim look.
Fear Flyer (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

''If you wish.'' It hissed, retracting its landing gear. It slides back a bit noisily, then leans fully to the ground. The cracked maw opens to full height, easily able to fit anything from immense size. The teeth it once had were gone. Wires dangled from the upper jaw, odd runes glimmering from within. At the end of it's throat was an opening that led to inside the FF. It's six eyes look at Anora. ''Enter if you need to. This is the only entrance that is working at the moment. It's wide enough for anything, such as you, to traverse without difficulty.''
Fear Flyer (played by Kyra45) Topic Starter

(this thread is still free for anyone to join, it's just fallen silent)

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