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Forums » General Roleplay » The Summer Break (1x1 with Alex Jones) (Romance)

Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino) Topic Starter

((Lol yeah XD))

Sam's eyes turned back to brown; their normal color. She sighed. ''I made it.. i didnt looked awkward. Great.'' said the girl to herself. She grabbed her headphones and opened Alex's door. ''If you need anything, ill be in my room.'' said Sam.
She got out, walked to her room and started listening to Dubstep while practicing Earth-bending.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino) Topic Starter

((I putted a picture so its easier to see if it's me or you! :D))
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino) Topic Starter

((Still here? XD))
Alex Jones (played anonymously)

Alex nodded and thanked her before beginning unpacking and setting up his room, putting his clothes away and taking out the small knickknacks he had brought. He set his room, but it still seemed somewhat barren. He sighed and laid on his bed, thinking about how nice it was to get away from family for a bit.

(So so sorry, I had not been paying attention! I hope you still want to play!
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino) Topic Starter

(It's ok! I dont pay attention too sometimes! Yes i still want to play! :) )

Sam created a little rock block. She manipulated it in the air and started making it turn to different stuff. She threw it on the wall, picked it up and walked to the living room.
Alex Jones (played anonymously)

(Okay. again, sorry!)

He soon got hungry, getting up and going down to the kitchen, catching her in the living room."Hey again!" he said, waving. when she couldn't see him he leaned against the wall and scolded himself."Really?!" he whispered harshly to himself."'hey there again'? That is so damn corny!" he said, going in the kitchen and looking for something to eat
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino) Topic Starter

Sam didnt hear, she was too preoccupated by her earth-bending. She heared sounds in the kitchen and got up. ''Hai, how are you doing?'' asked Sam.
Alex Jones (played anonymously)

"I'm, I'm good. I'm just looking for something to eat" he told her as he pulled out a pot and a pack of ramen noodles
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino) Topic Starter

"Coolzies, ill be in the living room!" Replied Sam, walking back.
Alex Jones (played anonymously)

"Alright!" he said, beginning to fill the pot with water and turning on the stove. When the pot had a decent amount of water in it he put it on the eye, waiting for it to heat up. He couldn't help steal a glance at her butt as she left
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino) Topic Starter

Sam grabbed a book from a shelf and started reading in the living room.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino) Topic Starter

After a couple minutes she closed the book and walked into the kitchen. ''Hai.'' She said, grabbing a pot and some cereals.
Alex Jones (played anonymously)

"Hey again" he said, leaning against the counter as he waited on the water to boil.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino) Topic Starter

Sam sat at the table and started eating cereals, with somehow, no milk. ''How you doin'?''
Alex Jones (played anonymously)

"Good, yourself?" He said, smiling at her, taking note of her eating dry cereal."Um, do you always eat cereal like that?" He asked, laughing lightly, hoping he didn't sound rude
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino) Topic Starter

''Not always but sometimes. I dont know why.'' she answered, smiling back.
Alex Jones (played anonymously)

He laughed, putting the packet of powder into the water before putting the noodles in after it."Well, okay, I don't judge. Do you have any game systems?" he asked curiously
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino) Topic Starter

''If by game system you mean videogame console, then yes. I have 3 in the living room.'' she answered, eating the dry cereals.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino) Topic Starter

After eating, Sam putted her bowl in the dishwasher and walked towards her room. ''If you need anything, just tell me. I'll be in my room listening to music.'' she said, oppening the door.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino) Topic Starter

((Merry X-mas! Even if it was yesterday XD))

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