Sky pressed her back aginst a wall in the shopping center and put a hand to her head.. she had hoped to get out before the christmas mass swarmed the store but that did not happen.. and now she was in a large crowd of people and having one of her panic attacks. She tried calming herself down but it was not working out to well with all the loud talking and laughing around she could not focus on calming down.
Now was not the best time to have a panic attack. Especially with demons running around. To white skins(Humans) demons look like everyone else in their human disguises. In their true forms, they were hideous.
Sky is most likely going to be caught in the crosshair of a demon on dog fight. Vince came crashing through the mall doors, slding across the floor leaving a track of blood as he slid. He slid all the way up to Sky, he was disorientated at first, once he regined his senses he looked up at Sky with a smile "hi" was all he could say before he got pulled back by something invisible.
Vince used his katanas to cut what was pulling him then jumped onto his feet. He popped his neck releasing the built up pressure "oh, that felt good" a cheeky smile on his face.
The demons screamed, their highpitched screams rang on Vince's ears. Stepping into the mall their insideout bodies twitched as they all focused on Vince "come at me you soulless pieces of shit, I'm sending you back whether you like it, or not"
Sky is most likely going to be caught in the crosshair of a demon on dog fight. Vince came crashing through the mall doors, slding across the floor leaving a track of blood as he slid. He slid all the way up to Sky, he was disorientated at first, once he regined his senses he looked up at Sky with a smile "hi" was all he could say before he got pulled back by something invisible.
Vince used his katanas to cut what was pulling him then jumped onto his feet. He popped his neck releasing the built up pressure "oh, that felt good" a cheeky smile on his face.
The demons screamed, their highpitched screams rang on Vince's ears. Stepping into the mall their insideout bodies twitched as they all focused on Vince "come at me you soulless pieces of shit, I'm sending you back whether you like it, or not"
Sky blinked a few times taking a few deep breath ~ ok .. this is not a normal hallucination..." she said putting a hand to her head and ran her fingers threw her blue bangs.
"Darling" Vince said turning to give her half his attention "this is as real as it gets" one of the demons' arms elongated as it raised them above it's head. Vince already read what was going to happen and grabbed Sky quickly then jumped away as the arms came crashing down "stuck around and you'll get crushed.
Vince put her down then smiled at her "Name's Vincent burning prefer Vince" he said sheathing both his katanas "you might wanna look away, this ain't a pretty sight" he said getting down on all fours. A faint growel came from him as he looked up at the demons. The ground around him charred from the heat he let off. The growel built up until it got loud enough for Sky to hear, at that exact time, Vince let out a thunderous bark. Grabbing both his katanas he moved so fast he looked like like a blur. Vince appeared behind the demons as they fell to bits, chopped up into tiny pieces.
He held his right hand palm over the pile of meat until it slowly dissolved into the ground "back to where you came from" he said under his breath.
As he finished up, he walked up to Sky with a goofy smile "sorry you had to see that" he rubbed the back of his head then chuckled
Vince put her down then smiled at her "Name's Vincent burning prefer Vince" he said sheathing both his katanas "you might wanna look away, this ain't a pretty sight" he said getting down on all fours. A faint growel came from him as he looked up at the demons. The ground around him charred from the heat he let off. The growel built up until it got loud enough for Sky to hear, at that exact time, Vince let out a thunderous bark. Grabbing both his katanas he moved so fast he looked like like a blur. Vince appeared behind the demons as they fell to bits, chopped up into tiny pieces.
He held his right hand palm over the pile of meat until it slowly dissolved into the ground "back to where you came from" he said under his breath.
As he finished up, he walked up to Sky with a goofy smile "sorry you had to see that" he rubbed the back of his head then chuckled
Sky blinked a few times looking at him " how... what..I dont even know what to say.. You saved my life... Thank you.. Eh.. I'm Sky" she said with a small smile.
Vince raised a brow "you just saw demons... Aren't young little scared or intrigued?"
" when you live with Hallucinations and panic attacks .. i'm just glad to have calmed down. " Sky said
"cmon, not even a little interested?" he asked, he shrugged "you're definitely the first white meat that's acted like that. I'm actually pretty hungry, wanna grab a bite?"
Sky blinked her pink colored eyes then smiled " Sure.. i'm kinda hungry myself" she said
Vince smiled and led the way, he took her to the bar he worked at. It was his day off and he wanted to spent the day hunting but a pretty lady was the next best thing.
"ey benny, get us two specials, a beer for me and whatever drink the lady wants" Vince shouted over the bar to the old tender
"sure thing son, I'll get her some water for now" the old man replied, there was a father and son-like relationship between the two.
Just as Vince was about to speak he toppled over onto his knees "it's him... Oh god not now" he said under his breath as he held his head in his hands.
The little bell on the door would ring every time someone came in. So when a man in a black cloak entered, the bell rang and all eyes seemed to fall on him. His mystery was unnerving.
The odd man sat in the far cornerand didn't say a word, in fact, he sat there, still as a statue. Not even the rise and fall of his chest was seen "things are about to get rough" Vince said standing up and shielding sky behind him, his brain still racked with the dull pain.
"ey benny, get us two specials, a beer for me and whatever drink the lady wants" Vince shouted over the bar to the old tender
"sure thing son, I'll get her some water for now" the old man replied, there was a father and son-like relationship between the two.
Just as Vince was about to speak he toppled over onto his knees "it's him... Oh god not now" he said under his breath as he held his head in his hands.
The little bell on the door would ring every time someone came in. So when a man in a black cloak entered, the bell rang and all eyes seemed to fall on him. His mystery was unnerving.
The odd man sat in the far cornerand didn't say a word, in fact, he sat there, still as a statue. Not even the rise and fall of his chest was seen "things are about to get rough" Vince said standing up and shielding sky behind him, his brain still racked with the dull pain.
Sky blinked a few times seeing the black figure come in, she felt the hair on her neck stand on end " Who is that?" she asked looking at Vincent but stay behind him.
"It is not i who you should be afraid of" the man said standing up, the darkness of his robe shadowed his face "It is the animal whom you have befriended" He grabbed the robe from it's hood and lowered it. The shadow fled from his pale face, his red eyes pierced the soul of the person he looked at and right now, his gaze was on Vince. it was not his gaze that effected Vince, it was the deep connection that they had, if not from this world, then surely from another.
"My name is Artyom, I am Vincent's blood lust, in a human form of course" a small vile containing blood floated around Artyom. It contained a thick red liquid, it must be blood. His deep Russian accent was almost out of a movie but the way he dressed was very unconventional compared to a Russian mobster. He wore baggy pants cuffed at his ankles, the waist was accented in a beautiful red and touches of silver. His bare chest had a jagged scar from his left pectoral muscle to his lower right hip "it is time for us to become one Vincent" Artyom said with a sinister smile, the blood from the vile flowed right out and lashed at him.
"My name is Artyom, I am Vincent's blood lust, in a human form of course" a small vile containing blood floated around Artyom. It contained a thick red liquid, it must be blood. His deep Russian accent was almost out of a movie but the way he dressed was very unconventional compared to a Russian mobster. He wore baggy pants cuffed at his ankles, the waist was accented in a beautiful red and touches of silver. His bare chest had a jagged scar from his left pectoral muscle to his lower right hip "it is time for us to become one Vincent" Artyom said with a sinister smile, the blood from the vile flowed right out and lashed at him.
sky just blinked a few times to confused to even say anything. She was also now very afraid wanting to run but she just stay there frozen. Though she could feel another panic attack coming one but she was unable to focus enough to calm herself down.
Vince he pulled his hair from the pain that intensified as Artyom spoke. He fell to his knees gasping for air. The floor around him started to char and crack from the heat he let off. His skin started to crack and from the cracks came a faint blue light. His hair grew to his lower back and his katanas disappeared but the hilt of the katanas floated to his arms as silver gauntlets appeared on his hands. The claws on the gauntlets were sharp enough to cut metal and slice through flesh.
Vince felt the scar forming on his chest similar to the one on Artyom's. He ripped his shirt as his skin continued to crack and darken...
"Do not fear, Vince is still in here, i will protect you as that is his request from me" Vince eventually stopped, he sat there on his knees with his eyes closed. Whoever this was he was not Vince. What looked like the man she some-what knew stood up, now seeming to be at complete peace with himself. his eyes slowly opened up to beautiful blue pulsing eyes. His skin stopped cracking until it was riddled in them, from the cracks came a faint blue glow. His grey skin seemed to be slightly warm from the whole transformation "Why have you come Artyom, I cannot go back, Hades banished me herself, we have a contract on my freedom"
Vince felt the scar forming on his chest similar to the one on Artyom's. He ripped his shirt as his skin continued to crack and darken...
"Do not fear, Vince is still in here, i will protect you as that is his request from me" Vince eventually stopped, he sat there on his knees with his eyes closed. Whoever this was he was not Vince. What looked like the man she some-what knew stood up, now seeming to be at complete peace with himself. his eyes slowly opened up to beautiful blue pulsing eyes. His skin stopped cracking until it was riddled in them, from the cracks came a faint blue glow. His grey skin seemed to be slightly warm from the whole transformation "Why have you come Artyom, I cannot go back, Hades banished me herself, we have a contract on my freedom"
Sky just blinked again her pink colored eyes wide and slightly pail, and she looked as if she would faint or run any moment.
Vince lept at Artyom with is claws raised, he brought his claws down in a powerful and fast motion but Artyom already calculated and dropped into a pool of blood. The blood made it's way to sky and grabbed her from behind.
"I would calm down Vargus, you're not who i was talking to"
Sky Yelped loudly after he grabbed her she tried to get away from him " L L et m me go!" she said
"Not so fast" he said tightening his grip around her neck to make it harder for her to breath "This is the deal pup, you will come to the alter of sacrifice in a fortnight, whatever happens there will be the decider on you and this cutie's fate" he grabbed her arm and burned a symbol into her skin similar to the one on Vince's hand "The mark of Bond, Both of you must stay within a certain distance of each other, otherwise you die" he whispered to her
Sky grew very pale as she was not trembling. She squeaked in pain as he burned the mark onto her arm. ~why me...~ she thought to herself.
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