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Forums » General Roleplay » a new friend (1X1)

Vincent Myers (played by Ambrosia)

Vargus, the being wearing Vince's meat suit, stood ready to pounce. He didn't want to harm her, so he waited for Armym to make a mistake.

I'm a flash, Artyom was gone "that bastard... For now he is gone, what will await us at the alter?..." He said under his breath. Vargus shook his head, whatever it may be, It wasn't the pressing matter at hand. Vargus approached her and kneeled down besides her "I apologise Sky, Vince was not thinking about how his life would affect yours. Do not hate him, whatever reason he has, outweighed the needs of others, or so he thought" Vargus held his hand out to help her up
Sky (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

Sky blinked a few times before she took a few deep breaths and calmed herself down " if i was not someone to believe stuff like this id probably have thought it was all a hallucination" She said taking his hand and got up.
Vincent Myers (played by Ambrosia)

"you're the first to believe that such fantasies exist and not jump out of their skin" Vargus chuckled "it's wise to go upstairs to Vince's home"
Sky (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

Sky nodded quietly " yeah i have a feeling everyone is about to freak out after they snap out of there shock" Sky said looking around

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