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Forums » General Roleplay » Silent screams (Private)

Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Yes thank you. I doubt we will need to come back any time soon." Fal smiled shaking his hand. "No problem just give us a good review." He smiles and laughs. Fal turns and begins to walk off looking at his notes as they head to the door.
"Didn't you mention some missing kids earlier? Think that stink the guy mentioned has anything to do with that?"Traxton asked once they were out of earshot of the manager.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"I don't know. I heard about the reports of stench being responsible for it closing but have no idea." Fal said as they walked out of the building. "Still it may just be us being paranoid or there is a connection. I don't know."
"well, I still say somethings wrong with this place."Traxton said as they left the Restaurant. "Think we might be able to dig up some info on that previous restaurant?"Traxton asked.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

November 4th 1987
Wednesday 2:01 PM
After taking a few hours to investigate and read over the notes they had Fal thought it would be a good idea for lunch. "We should probably get lunch. This investigation will be hard on an empty stomach." He smiled entering his car.
"So where we going?"Traxton asked following after Fal.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Well do you have a preferd place? I don't know anywhere really around here other then this place and the station."
"Uh... well there's a burger place I like to go to. It's out by the Movie Theatre."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Sure. Would be good to have a proper meal today after that business. Some odd people around."
Traxton nodded, waiting for Fal to start the car up.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

After some discussion and the meal the two headed back to Traxtons house. Fal took out his notes in his little display and placed them around. "Something we are missing?" He says placing the quoted words from employees next to pictures and news paper reports. He had an area on a desk set up with the files spread out and little notes written on them.
"Think we should check the old location? See if we could find anything if the place is still standing?"Traxton asked.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Not sure on it's location. I think it is the other side of town. No idea where exactly however." Fal looked over some files. "Well tomorrow we could look into it. Not sure what we could find though."
"Well, who knows. We might be able to find what happened to those missing children."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Thats if it is anything related to the company. Could all be a wild goose chase."
"Only one way to find out."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"I guess your right." Fal smiles more relaxed then before. "Lets go and find the address. I got some names of people involved in the missing children cases. Mainly the parents and friends." He walks over and looks at the statements. "Your choice? Should we investigate them first or look at the location?"
"I think the family and friends would be hte best options. They could probably give us more information that could give more evidence to link, or not link the pizza place to the disappearances."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Good choice. I will make preparations tonight. You better be ready to go. But I should warn you talking with families about missing children is not for the faint of heart." Fal says a troubled look. "Don't do it unless your ready."
Traxton nodded, before heading off to get ready to go.

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