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Forums » General Roleplay » Silent screams (Private)

Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Driving along the main roads Fal is deep in thought and looking over the town. Curious about what will and can happen.
"Okay so Mr. Fishbourne"Traxton said with a snicker. "Whose name is Fishbourne?"He asked with a chuckle. "He uh lives on west street and his address is 6742"Traxton said reading the file.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"You know any of these people? You live around here. You know anything about the whole thing?" Fal asks very curious at what you can teach him.
"Sorry, but I don't know any of the victims. When I was a kid though there were a few rumors going around. Don't put a whole lot of faith in 'em though. Te most prominent one I could remember was that they were apparently killed by a vengeful ghost or some mad man with a hook for a hand or something stupid like that."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal sighs at the words. "I am sorry. I get so much into a investigation I try and get information again and again from the same source." He laughs and drives through the main street approaching the building where their next interrogation is.
After a short while Fal's car came to a stop before the apartment complex where Marcus fishbourne lived. "Okay, try not to say Fishbourne around me whilst we're inside."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Just don't go crazy." Fal says rolling his eyes. "Knock on the door and we can see what we learn." He says checking his pen and notepad.
Traxton nodded, knocking on the door and waiting for it to be answered.

Oop: You wanna play mr. Fishbourne?
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

The knocking soon attracts Mr Fishbourne. He opens the door showing a man that seemed lat thirties not forties. He looked at them curiously before speaking. "How may I help you?" He asks opening the door looking at the men.
"Are you Marcus Fishbourne?"Traxton asked, holding back a laugh with all his might.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Yes I am. What is this about?" He says looking us over. "I am detective Falderan and this is detective Traxton. We are here to ask you about that incident from several years back involving your son." Fal say lightly glancing at Traxton. "What about it?" Fishbourne says looking at us.
We recently re-opened the case, and wanted to get as much info from you and the other parents of the children going missing."Traxton explained.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

He opens the door looking at us. "Whats the chance of getting results?" He asks. "We will be able to hopefully find out what happened. I cannot confirm anything however." Fal says looking at him with sympathy in his eyes. The man winces and lets us in. "Ten minutes." He says walking into the lounge to a couch.
"Alright, so on the day your son vanished, what do you remember? Anything or anyone that seemed off or strange? Was anyone following you guys around town?"Traxton asked taking a seat in the lounge.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"No. No and no." He says answering bluntly. "Do you have any other details?" Fal asks looking for specifics. "No. I wasn't even there. My wife was but she is out now at her sisters and the incident left her shaken. She saw nothing out of the ordinary." He says tapping the couch.
"Would you mind if we went and asked her personally?"Traxton asked.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"She is out now. She will be gone for the next two days. But she would prefer not to have this brought up. It could in fact tear her down of all the recovery shes made. So if you have any decency don't bring her into this." he says meaning us not to get involved. "Very well." Fal says taking note.
"Alright, well thank you for your time."Traxton said as he got up and headed for the door.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Thank you and sorry for any bad memories." Fal says placing another card as they head out. "That was rough." He says once the door is shut.
"Well, let's hope that the next person's more helpful."Traxton said, once they were back in the car. "Okay so, who next?"He asked.

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