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Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"How many more people do we have?" Fal asks thinking and looking into the mirrors.
"Uh... I think we've got one or two more."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Yea two more. Pick one of them. Your choice on the order of the last two." Fal says looking around as they drive down the quiet streets. Soon something catches his eye. He looks to the right and sees the girl from the pizzeria a few days back.
Roxxie didn't seem to notice them, simply kicking at the dirt and rocks on the side walk. Okay so the next person on the file is.... ooh that is not helpful."Traxton said, slightly surprised. The next file has the parents, both of 'em, listed as deceased. Apparently they committed suicide shortly after the case was closed back in the day."Traxton said. "Apparently they had another kid before they died. Currently under the custody of Mr. Jeremy and Mrs. Selena Berland."Traxton read off.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Thats difficult. They where not even there. Frankly a suicide of what friends, children, siblings?" Fal asks wondering about the relationship of these people.
"Grandparents, on the Father's side."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"You sure it won't be too much talking to them? They weren't even there?"
"Well, they may have been. I mean, if it was their grand kid who was celebrating their birthday that day."Traxton said. "Hell, even if they weren't celebrating their grand kid's birthday it's still possible they were there."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Well do you suspect it would be a good idea. I wouldn't want to kill a grandparent from horrible memories."
Traxton scratched his head as he read through the file. "Well, if we do stop by them, now would be the best time. Just read the address, and it's on this street. Hell, I think we may have just passed it."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal thinks deeply for himself. "Fine. Maybe we can question them about the event discretely. Sorry I am just a bit nervous." I laugh awkwardly.
"Alright, they're adress is 6745."Traxton said, reading off the file. "Yeah we just passed it."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal drives back and parks on the street so not to take up the driveway. "This is it."
Roxxie had a confusedl ook on her face when she saw the car pull up in front of her house. To her knowledge no one was coming to visit her and her grandparents, aside from her friend Miles, but Miles wasn't old enough to drive and his parents had a van since they had three kids. Her ocnfusedl ook quickly become one of anger when she saw Fal and Traxton get out of the car. "What the Hell are you doing here?!"She asked angrily. "Did some other little cry baby come up to you and whine?"Roxxie asked angrily.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal turned at hearing the aggressive and failure voice. "Wait is this your home? Roxanne wasn't it?" Fal says confused by why the girl is here and thinking if anyway she knows something.
"My name is Roxxie."Roxxie said angrily. "What are you doing here?"Roxxie repeated. "We're doing an investigation. We think your grandpar-"Traxton said before being cut off. "ME AND MY GRANDPARENTS DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! NOW GET OUT OF HERE!"Roxxie snapped, assuming that Traxton and Fal were here to arrest her and her grandparents. "What's with all the shouting?"A voice called. An old man just came out of the house. "U-uh... nothing PaPa..."Roxxie replied, turning to the old man. "Who are you two?"The old man asked Fal and Traxton.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"I am detective Falderan and this is detective Traxton. We are hear to ask if you can tell us anything about the events of June several years ago." Fal says keeping the year out likely due to forgetting while he focused on remaining calm.
The old man blinked. "Uh... what do you mean?"He asked confused. "Uh... the child disappearances."Traxton said. "Oh. Uh... this might be something to better talk about inside."The old man said, motioning for Traxton and Fal to follow him inside. "But Papa, you said you and Memaw would take me out to the movies today."Roxxie said. "We can do that tomorrow Roxxanne. That movie with those monsters in it you wanted to see will still be in theaters tomorrow."The Old man responded as he led Fal and Traxton inside. Traxton glanced back at Roxxie. "You coming in too? I'm sure you might be able to help us out."Traxton said. "I'll be inside in a few minutes."Roxxie said begrudgingly, folding her arms across her chest. Traxton nodded and went inside. "Jackasses...."Roxxie muttered to herself once the door closed.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal nodded politely and entered the house moving with the group. The whole time he was suspicious of Roxie. She seemed off and from how her life went he didn't blame her but he was suspicious none the less.
"Selena! We've got guests!"The old man called into the house. "So, what were you wanting to know?"The old man asked Traxton and Fal. "Oh, Roxanne, would you go get these gentlemen something to drink?"The old man asked once Roxie came in. "Yes sir."Roxie replied. "And please stop calling me Roxanne, my name's Roxie."Roxie whined walking into the kitchen. She got two glasses, before her dog, a fat pug named Chuckles, walked into the kitchen, with its leash in its mouth. "Not now Chuckles... I'll take you to go use the bathroom later."Roxie groaned, pushing the dog away with her foot. Soon, a devious grin spread across her face. "Papa! Their drinks are gonna have to wait for a few minutes, Chuckles needs to use the bathroom!"Roxxie called from the kitchen as she opened the door to the back yard and let Chuckles out, soon following him, still grinning to herself.

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