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Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Odd girl. Fal thinks cautious of her. "We just need to know any details from the day. Anything you can remember we can use. We may even be able to find a suspect or better yet what happened." He says clearly thinking his doing well but the while knowing he is making likely false promises.
"Well.... I remember we were celebrating my Grandson's.... fifth birthday?"The Old man said, trying to recall the day that his grandson went missing as best as he can. "Fifth or sixth birthday. I don't recall which, but it was definitely a birthday."The Old man said. "Did you notice anyone odd following you or anyone else that showed up to the party?" Traxton asked as an old woman arrived in the room. "There you are."The old man said. "This is my wife, Selena. Selena, these are Detectives Traxton and Falderan. Apparently they re-opened the case from when those kids and our grandson went missing. The one that John and Mabel committed suicide over."The old man said, obviously uncomfortbale bringing that up with his wife.

Outside Roxie was holding chuckles in the air, hoping that would keep him from peeing until she figured out how to get him to pee in the cups. "Okay so how do I do this? Cause... I am definitely not aiming your thing Chuckles."Roxie said to her dog, who was looking around the back yard panting. She was silent for a minute trying to think up an idea, before one came to her. "How did I not think of that earlier?!"She asked, dropping chuckles. The dog waddled over to a tree, with Roxie following. Chuckles lifted his leg and began to relieve himself, with Roxie holding the cups under the dog. Thankfully Chuckles frequently guzzled water like no tomorrow out of his water bowl, so there was more than enough to fill the cups and water the tree a little. Satisfied with her work, Roxie headed back inside with a grin on her face. She got some ice and put it in the cups and went into the living room, handing Traxton and Fal their 'drinks'. "The lemonade's a little warm, I left it out on the counter while I let our dog outside, and it was under a vent and we've got the heater on high right now."Roxie said, smiling warmly.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal looks at the cup after taking it feeling the warmth and suspicious of the girls now overly friendly smile. "Thanks." He puts it on the table looking like he was simply not thirsty and was suspicious of her. Looking over at Traxton he moved his eyes hinting at the drink having something wrong but was not sure if he saw. Looking around Traxton took a few seconds to see the area and he noticed no pictures of the grandson or his parents. He figured they were either hiding them or worse yet got rid of them out of the fear of what happened. "Look if it is too much to think about you don't need to give us any information. We don't want you to do anything painful." Fal says giving them the option to simply stop.
"Thanks."Traxton said, taking his drink from Roxie. "It's fine. If it helps find the guy who took my grandson than I'd be more than willing to cooperate."The old man said. "Anyways, I didn't see anyone following us or something like that. Uh.... There was one guy I saw. He was leaving the restaurant and had on a purple under shirt. Had a creepy grin on his face, but I assumed at the time that he was just happy to be off work. Y'know, now that I think about it.... I think I saw him hanging around some of hte robots, especially around that Pirate guy."The old man explained. "Uh, I didn't see the man he's talking about, but the robots certainly were intimidating. I don't get why they're so popular with kids."The old woman said. "Sorry that I don't remember much else.... those couple of weeks were probably the worst I had, and the month after that was even worse with... uh... with our son and daughter-in-law's deaths. I really just wanted to forget the entire debacle happened."The old woman said.

"Hey, ma'am, if this is too much for you me and my friend understand. We won't make you relive those memories if you don't want to."Traxton said. He couldn't tell why, but Traxton suddenly felt chilled, with the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. "Is it just me, or did it suddenly get kinda cold in here?"Traxton asked. The others shook their heads. "Huh... well, definitely not the weirdest thing to happen to me recently. This week has been weird."Traxton said, taking a swig of his 'lemonade'. He gagged and spit the 'lemonade' out back into the cup. "UGH!"Traxton yelped. "What's wrong?"The old woman asked. "Tastes salty and waaaaaay too sour"Traxton said with a disgusted look on his face. "Huh.... I could've sworn those lemons were fresh...."The old woman said. "Maybe they were about to spoil when you made the lemonade?"Roxie offered, with an innocent grin. "I'm terribly sorry about that, would you like some tea or coffee?"The old woman asked, taking Fal and Traxton's glasses. "Coffee please."Traxton replied.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal looked shocked by Traxton. He quickly hid the expression however as he remained collected. "Detective could I speak with you for a minute?" Fal says hinting for Traxton to follow him into the hall. The news they just received was thrilling to him. A man in purple with a creepy grin? Sounds like a suspect. He thought almost excited. But with that little incident Fal needed to quickly discuss with Traxton.
"Yeah sure."Traxton said, heading down the hall with Fal. "What did you need to talk about?"Traxton asked. He looked around, still feeling off. "Seriously... there's something weird about this place...."Traxtpn said. "I just can't put my finger on it..."He added, looking around the hall.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"A few things. One why did you drink it? That girl clearly dislikes us. Not saying she would poison us but be careful." He pauses taking a breath. "Two you seem to have had the same feeling at the pizzeria. Maybe you feel like we are on to something. Finally we should get any list of past employees. If this 'purple guy' was a employee maybe we could talk with him." Fal says emphasizing referring to the guy as purple guy as they seemed to remember him by it. "Or this is all wrong and we are at a dead end." He puts in finally.
"There's tons of people I don't like, but I wouldn't give them spoiled lemonade..."Traxton said. "And it's not the same feeling.... It's similar but not.... At the pizzeria everything just felt kinda angry and sad. It was kinda like when you walk up to someone and you can tell just by looking at them that they're terribly depressed or incredibly pissed off, just with out a person there. Especially that freaky puppet thing.... It gave off major bad vibes dude."Traxton explained. "But... here's just... weird."Traxton explained. "It's kinda sad... but, not like at the pizzeria."He added, not really sure how to explain what he felt. "Hey.... wasn't there a guy in purple leaving the pizza place one of the days we went there?"Traxton asked after a few minutes of silence. "An employee?"He asked
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Well we can't go around accusing everyone who wears purple. Names and employee lists will be our best proof. Until we get that we can't do much else. Lets just finish this interview and head to the station. I need to talk to the sargent." Fal says looking back into the room. "Lets go back."
Traxton nodded. "Alright. Think the girl might be able to remembe ranything? I mean, she might've been old enough to see what happened back then. Maybe."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"I will handle it." Fal whispers as the two head back in. "Sorry about that. We however won't be able to stay much longer. I would like to ask though if Roxan. I mean Roxie would have any information." Fal asks the man as he would prefer to get permission before asking the child.
Traxton nodded as they headed back to the living room. "Uh... I'm not sure if she remembers anything from that day...."The oldman said, scratching his head. I mean, that happened nine years ago when she was three."The oldman said. "Uh.... I don't have a problem with it if she's okay with it."The oldman said. "Well, are you okay with answering a few questions?"Traxton asked Roxie. "N-"Roxie said, before stopping herself, not really sure what to do. "It'll possibly be able to help catch the guy who killed your brother."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal was not sure saying 'killed your brother' was a good play. He was sure to always skip direct and frankly dark words like killed or what not. He usually uses words such as disaperence or what not. "Do not worry if you cannot." Fal says constantly cautious.
Roxie nodded. "Could we talk about this outside?"She asked. "Well, don't see why not. You okay with that?"Traxton asked Fal.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Oh sure that is fine." Fal says standing up ready to go outside.
Roxie nodded and went outside. Traxton closed the door once Fal was outside. "Okay so, do you remember anything from that d-"Traxton asked before being cut off. "NO! I DON'T!"Roxie said. "I WAS THREE WHEN ALL THIS HAPPENED! I DON'T REMEMBER MY BROTHER< OR MY PARENTS! NOW GO AWAY!"Roxie demanded.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal sighed. "Traxton staying any longer would be a problem. We have what we need." Fal says to his partner looking sympathetic about the girl. "Thank you for your time. Would you be able to give your grandparents this?" Fal asks Roxie handing her a contact card.
Roxie took the card and looked at it. "Whatever, just go away."She said, before going back inside. "Well. She was 'pleasant'"Traxton said. "Okay, so we got one last person right?"He asked, heading back to the car.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Yea then to the station." Fal says running his hands through his hair as they go to the car. "But after everything you can't blame her."
Traxton nodded. "Okay, so next up is Gregor McFarland."Traxton said, reading out of the files.

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