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Forums » General Roleplay » Silent screams (Private)

Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Where is he?"
"Ok, he lives on 9760 Luis Drive."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Thats quiet a while away." Fal says pulling put and driving to the highway.
"Yeah."He said. "On the bright side, it gives us time to work out everything we've got so far."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Well read out what we have."
"Okay, he's got a few relatives scattered around town, mostly immediate family, like his parents, two siblings, and grandparents."Traxton read off the file. "Got a divorce from his wife shortly after the incident. Just a comment but divorcing someone a few months after their child went missing and was ultimately considered dead by the police at the time was a really low freaking blow."Traxton said shaking his head. "His Ex moved out of town a few years ago."He added.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Coping. Some do it better then others." Fal says shrugging. "I am not sure what we will be doing next. I will have the station get me everything on the old location. We are close to something. I feel it." Fal shivers lightly. "Or maybe I am a bit crazy." he laughs.
"Maybe a bit of both."Traxton offered with a chuckle. "Hopefully, we'll be able to find something."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal nodded and drove along the long road. Cars going by he couldn't help but let his thoughts flash back to the mention of yellow suits.
Like Fal, Traxton soon went off to his own thoughts. He couldn't help but think about that unusual feeling he had at Roxie's house. It was different, but a very similar one he felt when he walked into the Pizzeria. Despite how much he wanted to, he couldn't forget what he saw with the puppet thing. He definitely felt that odd tingly feeling, but it was much stronger than at Roxie's place, or with the old robots i nthe back of the pizzeria.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal locked up for a second looking to have gone into a state of shock for a second. He shakes his head and snaps out of it. "What happened then?" He says out loud looking around a faint sweat coming on.
"Huh? What?"Traxton asked.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

I take a deep breath. "Nothing nothing. Just some memories." He says looking forward gently wiping his head.
"You alright?"Traxton asked.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Ye. Yea nothing worth worrying about." I smile anxiously.
"You sure man? You seem a little freaked out."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Yea don't worry."
Traxton shrugged. "Eh, what ever. How much longer til we get there?"Traxton asked.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Oh um about fifteen minutes given traffic."
Traxton nodded, soon going back to his thoughts.

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