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Forums » Art & Creativity » New Holiday

This is going in the 'art & creativity' spot because it is a CREATIVE IDEA!

Fellow RPRers, here is what I propose; a new holiday! A holiday to celebrate...


Seriously. We must band together and pick a day of the year, heck a day of each month, where we will celebrate Kim and how awesome she is and how much time she puts into this website. It will be a 'thank Kim' day, where we all thank her and devote ourselves being as helpful and awesome to her as we can be.

Of course, this should be a daily thing, and not just a special time! But I still think Kim deserves her own RPR holiday.

What say you?

Tell me a day and a name you think would work for this amazing idea!
Kiministator Day. We should make up a legend about her. Something like 3 shepards and a star in the east and... oh wait. I thought we had to steal lore from other holidays to make new one.

Kim day!
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Someone of such limitless beauty and talent as Kim deserves a day of celebration, count me in!
darth_angelus wrote:
Someone of such limitless beauty and talent as Kim deserves a day of celebration, count me in!


I agree with this holiday idea. Let's call it K-Day
CelestinaGrey Topic Starter

K-day, Kiministrator day...such good ideas!


...What will the date be?
Ilmarinen Moderator

One of the traditional activities of K-day is, of course, belly dancing. Hop to it!
Dec 25, wait...damn someone else has dibs on that. :D heh, uhhhh well the 15th of every month can be kimtastic day
CelestinaGrey Topic Starter

nikina wrote:
Dec 25, wait...damn someone else has dibs on that. :D heh, uhhhh well the 15th of every month can be kimtastic day

The 15th actually sounds like a really good idea!

What say you, RPRers?!

Also, Kim-day? Yes or no? :3
Kim Site Admin

*squeals with disbelief*

Should I like... lock myself out of this thread so as not to give away any surprises you are planning? XD
Darth_Angelus Moderator

She's on to us!

Quick, hide the secret plans!
Kim, I'm willing to sell you the secret plans for the price of a three month Epic Membership.
Now this sounds like a grand idea. darth, if you'd be willing to assist I think we will need to paint Kim's computer screen black so that she cannot see these plans that are being put into motion. Of course we will clean the paint off afterwards.
CelestinaGrey Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
*squeals with disbelief*

Should I like... lock myself out of this thread so as not to give away any surprises you are planning? XD

It's up to you, Kim. You'd find out one way or another, anyways. ;)

(*cough* Andryn *cough*)

And I'm glad everyone thinks its such a great idea! :D Now come, we must decide on the date and the name!
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Andryn, don't make me throw you in the dungeon.

Celestina, I know when it should be ;)
Wait there are plans for painting?! Will they be messy and make everyone look like they got in a fight with a painter and lost?
CelestinaGrey Topic Starter

Alright guys, we need a name! :D

These are the possibilities we have so far:
Kiministrator Day
I think the third is good.
I like the third :P
Lorvilran wrote:
I think the third is good.

I agree
Sanne Moderator

"From the name of the city of Kimberley in South Africa, which was named after Lord KIMBERLEY (1826-1902)."

I think it should be RPR's very own Queen's Day. :) But that's just my humble suggestion, even if it's late!

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus