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Forums » Looking for RP » One-Shot 3.5 Dungeon [closed!] (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

The Shadow (played anonymously)


I am looking to begin my first adventure as Dungeon Master for Ravenloft in the 3.5 system, however I am well versed in playing with "justification" rules instead of roles and I have not yet actually had a stint as a DM for 3.5. To rectify this, I am going to be running a one-short dungeon crawl as the title says. It will be combat heavy with very little roleplay. This is for me to learn the combat system rather than how to roleplay. Luckily I know how to roleplay already.

I currently have 2-3 players, depending on the schedule of one. I need one more person. Rather, I would like one more person. Previous table top experience is preferred, but not 100% required - I can give a quick run down on this.

This game will be run Sunday January 25, 2015 at an as-of-yet undetermined time in a private chat room here on RPR.

Other important things to note:
1. As this will require short posts, paragraph roleplay is not needed. This also means that grammar can be a touch more loose, but if you cannot go one sentence without a read squiggle, this might not be the game for you.
2. Characters will be provided. The person that joins from this will get second choice as first choice has been given to someone already.
3. The game will run for 2-4 hours depending on how people are feeling. You are free to quit any time and the same goes for others.
4. The dungeon has been laid out already. There are several enemies, a decent amount of loot and a final boss as well.
5. Feel free to critique if you think there is something else that can be done - but keep critiques constructive. I will not tolerate abuse.

If you are interested, PM me or leave a reply here, I will surely see it.

Edit: As of January 22,

Here's the deal. I have eight characters for you to choose from.

Human Cleric (Positive/healing)
Human Fighter
Half-orc Druid (with Hawk companion) Taken
Half-Elf Ranger (Preferred enemy: Dragons)
Elf Cleric (Negative/hurting)
Halfling Wizard (Illusionist, gave up necromancy/transmutation)
Dwarf Bard
Elf Rogue.
The Shadow (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Still seeking for the game this weekend!
Sanne Moderator

I'm so in!! <3
The Shadow (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Closed, sorry!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » One-Shot 3.5 Dungeon [closed!] (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus