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Forums » General Roleplay » Lost and Alone

Jennifer Lee (played by CapnBekah_TightPants)

Jennifer walked around the town she was currently in, wondering how she ended up here. She pulled her orange sweat shirt sleeves down to hide her hands and sighed heavily. She was lost and alone, and she needed someone to save her. Jennifer pulled her purse up and retrieved her iPod and earbuds; she placed the sound cancelling device into her ear and turned her music up loud. Jenny neede to escape, even if it was for three or four minutes. Sadly, because of the sound cancelling effect made it so Jenny didn't hear the bus hooking its horn as she stepped into the crosswalk.
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

Angel was fast on his feet, he was just minding his own business, whistling to the music in his headphones when he noticed the bus honk. Angel watched the bus approach her ever so quickly so he shifted his feet, the air around him shifted and pushed him quickly towards her, he moved like the wind, wrapping his arms around her and jumping up over the bus until it passed them by. He released her and ran a finger through his hair "lass, you must have a death wish, you almost got flattened"
Jennifer Lee (played by CapnBekah_TightPants) Topic Starter

The young lady looked up at the person that save her. She pulled her head phones out and blinked, "what?" She asked, the headphones had caused her to miss the question. Jennifer looked at the road and sighed heavily.

"I wasn't trying to kill myself, if that's what you were asking."
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

Angel smiled, he ran his hand through his silver/black bangs. He was puzzled as to why she didn't find it weird how he did what he did, he leaped over the bus for god's sake, didn't that raise any questions for her? He tilted his head and cocked a brow "Are you not questioning how i saved you? not everyone can jump over a bus, You're lucky i was here when i was, no one woulda been able to save you, that's how close the bus was"
Jennifer Lee (played by CapnBekah_TightPants) Topic Starter

Looking at the man, Jenny blinked. "You what?!" She asked. She figured he was in the crosswalk with her and that's why he was so quick to save her, Jenny had no idea he was on the other side of the bus! "What are you, Superman?" She asked, her tone heavy with sarcasm. Jenny pushed herself away from the man and stood up, thankful that he was able to save her even if she couldn't figure out how he'd jumped over a bus; that still sounded like superhero behavior.
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

"I'm just a guardian angel" Angel smiled "Name's Angelo, nickname, Angel" he looked around "there's things I can do that you have never seen, like, try controlling the elements for example" he held his hand out with his palm raised up, a small fire sparked up in the center of his palm a cinder was carried away in the wind.

He looked back at her with a goofy smile "ya need help? You look lost, plus, i ain't got anything to do right now" His head phones wrapped around his neck played loud music according to his mood, The music would change without him revealing a device.
Jennifer Lee (played by CapnBekah_TightPants) Topic Starter

The girl looked at him, "Guardian angel, whose name is Angel... Right, okay." She brushed herself and looked around, no one seemed very concerned that she had almost been hit by a bus and that some stranger came out of nowhere to save her. She thought for a moment; she was lost and she could use someone to use her around. Hell, she needed someone to show her the cheapest motel in town so she get a decent shower.

Jenny shrugged and looked at him, "Yeah, what about it?" She answered his question finally, though with a rude tone to her voice. Jenny did not have very good people skills, and she wasn't really willing to work on that matter. Too many people had hurt her in the past and she wasn't going to let anyone else come in and destroy what little self-appreciation she may or may not have left.
Angalo (played by Ambrosia)

"Oh you're one of those..." he could play that game "Sure you can give me that, later, i hope you don't get lost" he chuckled looking around "You must be LOADED if you came to a town like this, this place is EXPENSIVE!" he turned and walked away, a grin on his face "Make sure you don't get attacked by the faceless ghouls or attacked by the gangs that live in the alleys". She kinda pissed him off, he saved her from being splat on the front of a bus, she needed to show him more gratitude.

Just as Angel got a few meters away, a ghoul appeared from a corner and grabbed her, pulling her into a ally. She was outnumbered. Angel turned around out of pity... She was gone. He sprinted to where she was and spotted her from the corner of his eye, she was being circled by at least 15 ghouls, Angel smiled "Hey, you don't care much so i'm guessing you don't care about them guys right?!" he called out to her crossing his arms, they would pounce as soon as they finished their ritual or as soon as she'd attack them.
Jennifer Lee (played by CapnBekah_TightPants) Topic Starter

She was grabbed before she could answer. Jenny screamed at the top of her lungs for his help. "I do care! Help me, I'm a broke girl who ran way from home, what more do you want me to say?" She screamed over the ghouls. Jenny's green eyes were full of fear, and she wasn't sure of the last time she felt this level of the emotion.

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